Take care of your Back




Hey as some of you know I have been taking pain pills for my back as of recently....I just want to let my brothers here know to take care of your back because once you injure it.....It will never be the same....I was on a job site when a 400lbs panel crushed me and my partners head while we were under it folded me like a pretzel and before it crushed and killed me it landed on my partner saving my life....But my back popped in so many places....It was unreal never reported it 2 my company because us construction guys are a different breed....Cut your thumb off with a skill saw pick it up put it in your pocket and finish working LOL sad but true.....I ruptured my lower discs and now everything I do centers around protecting my back...Im still strong and can do things like deadlifts but I need to be very serious...I cant go for PR''S.....I just want to warn you guys with good backs 2 take care of yourself and dont try to impress anyone at the gym because once you hurt it the damage is done....I made my daughter a bottle one night my back popped and I woke up on the floor the shit can be serious....the accident happened 2 years ago and thank the lord I am still alive....But I try to avoid standing DB Presses and anything else that puts strain on my lower back....SO please Guys take care of yourselves and forgive me if the pain pills make my post un readable or I say some ass hole stuff take care brothers =)



New member

I've had problems with my back also. It was to the point I couldn't take the pain anymore and had a procedure called RFA(radio frequency ablation) done to put the nerves to sleep. You only have one back DT, I would strongly advise you to not do any dead lifts! The end result is not worth the lifetime lasting agony you, myself, and others are heading for. 




for the response...Yea I never go heavy deadlifts I stick to light weight on those 60-70% my max how did the surgery got my brother how are you holding up?I no im headed down the road 2 surgery I just wanted 2 warn guys like me and you how serious your back is and you never realize how much you use something until its hurt, you truly use your back for everything



New member

The procedure worked wonders for me brother. What the doc does is insert needles on both sides of the spine, about 5" long. There's an electrode that goes in that needle, under fluoroscopy they check to make sure the needles are in place to send microwaves to the facet nerves. Once the nerves are burned, the pain goes away and could last anywhere from 6 months to 18 months or for good, depending on the damage. I'm 4 months in and feel like I'm 18, well that could be the gear too! Lol! Do a google search on RFA, it may help you out! Take it easy brother!




Have you had xrays don't trip?

I have a bulging disc in my lower back and it kicks my ass. and its only a slightly bulging disc. Back and hip issues are absolutely crippling without a doubt. People don't realize it until they experience it themselves.

my bulging disc is from my super heavy deads :(




X ray and MRI ruptured lower disc it sucks sad thing is it only gets worse I actually blacked out from the pain getting my daughter a bottle one night bent over and heard a pop woke up 5 minutes later on the floor 




yeah my back pops sometimes getting out of bed sitting up. its VERY unsettling. My back is one of the main reasons I backed off lifting for a bit.

One thing that helps a bit is making sure you sleep on a good mattress. sounds obvious and stupid but my mattress was shit and it made my back ache twice as bad.

and like already mentioned I would definitely avoid the heavy deads. Im a powerlifter and love my deads but you get to a point where its just not worth it anymore.




Thatz why I backed off all heavy , im a family man , the number  .  Of plp depending on me , is very high , and ifni get SERIOUSLY injurex my buss is gone , zo I backed off to novoice 




I've also got a bulged disk and it's next to a nerve. (Its an old army injury) It's caused me problems for a long time up until recently.  I really focus on squeezing my belly and lower back out with pressure on lifts and use a belt on anything 80% of my 1RM. Also focusing on core training will help back problems tremendously. A strong core picks up the slack for a bad back. When my back flares up I can't even stand up. It sucks. Deads are one of my favorites, and I still do them at low reps and moderate to semi heavy weight. I just really focus on form, and don't lift any amount of weight that compromises my form.




trust me man my form on deads is flawless. you've seen my video. shit happens tho when your routinely handling 500-600lbs. Mine came when I was relearning my setup and positioning on deads due to gaining weight. I know all about staying tight.




That post wasn't necessarily directed at you but as a comment to the group as a whole. Although as you know the closer you get to your 1RM the more form suffers.




gotcha I don't disagree with your comment. its spot on. Just doesn't apply to me lol. Altho I believe my bulging disc did occur and was a result of poor technique on deads due again to my form changing from gaining size.
