tendon problems



Hi guys gals i suffer terrible tendon pain in my forearms if i use an easy bar or strait bar for curls. It is mostly painful as i try to let go of the weight. I then suffer on rest days if I try to just ignore it.  I am not sure if It is this stopping me from getting my arms much past 16". I can only use light dumbbells 15-17kg with wrists slightly turned in for bicep curls. But I have no problem using 20kg+ in neutral  grip doing hammer curls etc. And I seem fine doing most other things with out aggravating the problem. Now I am currently trying to trim down and get more definition and seem to be losing around 4 pound a month while not losing any size on my biceps or chest. could it be that I am indeed still getting bigger biceps but due to losing weight its just looking like I am not growing any bigger?. can I still get large biceps in time with out doing direct curling can I just keep hitting them indirectly with things like hammer, bench, push ups, and pull ups etc ect.

Thank you in advance any advice is very much appreciated. 




Is the pain near your elbow? If so get tennis elbow bracelet and were it all day except when you sleep. Take glucosamine with chondroitin. I use Triple strength Osteo Biflex. Take Tumeric which is a good anti inflammatory, and is supposed to target tendons. It can take many months of doing this to rid yourself of this issue. You can also go the the doctor, and they'll shoot some steroids right in and on the inflamed tendon. Stay away from reverse curls and hammer curls for the time being.


Mister A


A rigorous and honest self assessment is due. Not everyone is built to perform straight bar curls. A thorough understanding of the elbow joint and how it functions will be necessary to make a serious conclusion.

I can draw some predictions based on the exercises you can perform, but without seeing you, no one can be certain you should perform these exercises regardless of how much you wrap the elbow or how many joint supplements you take.

To answer your question: yes, an inability to properly perform biceps movements will limit their growth. You're looking to fix the pain, but you're not addressing what's causing the pain.





Thank you for your input very much appreciated I will add a little more info.  I do not have pain in elbow at all its more the forearm when letting go of the weight and only if i use the ea-zy bar or straight bar for curls. I have not found any other exercise that gives me pain and if i stay away from them two exercises I have no pains at all other than the very mild aches you get in wrists ect (not constant)  as a result from doing compound weights. I can also do reverse grip ea-zy bar or straight bar for curls with no pain. As you say with out knowing exactly what is the cause I will not be able to sort it out so I will take a trip to GP to see if he can send me for a scan. 





I've suffer with tennis elbow off and on for years. Those are the first signs although it could be something else. Does it hurt to turn a door knob, shake hands, or wring out a rag? If so it's tennis elbow and is caused by repetitive movement. 




I feel your pain.  For awhile i couldnt use a straight bar either, because it shocked the shit out of my wrist when I would let go of the bar.  But i kept at trying different wrist positions and getting my wrist stronger. finally it dont really bother me anymore.   But I hope you find a solution, because curls all types of curls is really all we have to make our bi"s grow.   See if the different wrist angles help. Keep us posted 

Have  great day 
