Test C and Decca



Are you Khor? The guys can help you dial in your training regimen to fit your goals. Im glad you checked the messages and got  the BF% calculator link i sent ya. Like the guys said, nothing beats good ol training and diet naturally. PEDS are used as tools. They are literally a waste if money if everything is not dialed in and fine tuned. We are vey  glad to have you here, Khor!!! You have the best minds and experience that money CAN'T buy here at your disposal. The very best thing about it is that my brothers ask nothing of you in return except use the advice given wisely and research for yourself. You see, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!! 



Well-known member

All your goals can be accomplished without AAS.

Are you wanting to use AAS as a shortcut to achieve your goals? Have you done everything you can and gone as far as you can "natty" before considering AAS? The answers do not really matter as long as you are honest with yourself.

Good questions to ask yourself and questions we have all faced.





New member

I will use this knowledge to my bennefit. I will be 38 this yr Calm;) Thnx much Fi you've been giving solid advice since I joined and critism is a solid way to learn bout ones self:) I've been going to the gym the last 4-5 months  only protein as my fuel, I wanna bulk up some lil faster than I am at my current pace, so this why I chose aas. The cycle I was advised to take is as follows

Test C 750mg ew/split in 2

Decca 400mg ew/split in 2

Dbol 80mg Ed for 4-6wks

arimidex .5mg every3rd day during 12wks plus lenght of pct

pct I'd have to go back and look at my mail




New member

I will use this knowledge to my bennefit. I will be 38 this yr Calm;) Thnx much Fi you've been giving solid advice since I joined and critism is a solid way to learn bout ones self:) I've been going to the gym the last 4-5 months  only protein as my fuel, I wanna bulk up some lil faster than I am at my current pace, so this why I chose aas. The cycle I was advised to take is as follows

Test C 750mg ew/split in 2

Decca 400mg ew/split in 2

Dbol 80mg Ed for 4-6wks

arimidex .5mg every3rd day during 12wks plus lenght of pct

pct I'd have to go back and look at my mail




New member

An idiot lol I never had any intention on taking this cycle, but had thoughts of cutting it all in half but  was before I joined here and thank goodness I did, my plan now is test c 400mg ew with dbol 40mg Ed and arimidex



New member

An idiot lol I never had any intention on taking this cycle, but had thoughts of cutting it all in half but  was before I joined here and thank goodness I did, my plan now is test c 400mg ew with dbol 40mg Ed and arimidex



Well-known member

By following this recommended cycle you will have no idea which compound is causing you problems if they arise unless, and only unless, you have experience with each compound individually and understand how your body reacts to each component.

What will you do if you begin having side effects while taking all three of these compounds? Will you have the knowledge to make the appropriate adjustments or changes to ensure you complete health and safety? Based on experience do you know how sensitive you are to elevated prolactin or estrogen levels? Will you need a DA? Why and for what compound? How long will each of these compounds stay in your system if/when you begin to experience side effects? What will you do to combat elevated BP if it is faced?

Just a small sample of the things you will need to think about.




New member

Why I'm glad I joined here, seriously I didn't think about all of that when I took the advice but none the less I'm not going to do it, I'm very uneducated in this dept as I'm sure it shows



New member

To start my cycle, Test C 400mg ew split, is this a good starting point to see how I react and be able to feel it out? With AI too of course



New member

I consider myself new although ive ran 8 cycles. My first was a cyp 250 cycle 20 years ago. I just started here and there back in 2011 and didnt know shit really until I got on here. I ran Deca that I had bought in Mexico and Some Test and it surely shut me down. I learned to run test longer and higher than Deca. And deca is a good compound if done correctly. NPP is a faster acting 19 nor and can be outta ur system quick if need be. Just until recently, I knew nothing about AI or PCT. I just finished an 8 week NPP, test P cycle. I ran it at 400/600 with .5 adex every other day and had no problems. But I watched half a dozen commited members on here and learned alot. Ive researcbed on the net for years, but do my research here and feel so much safer. I was told that I was not ready for Tren, so I dont mess with it. AAS is very safe and can be run into a mans 60s or 70s if done properly. I love it. I spend at least more off time than on time but considering doing TRT but wont without asking around on here. These guys do not bash. Tbey only care and help. I love it here. Good luck



New member

Just trust that the commited members here know what they are talking about. I listen to them and have been very successful thus far while ordering From a source due to their experience, advice, and positive reviews. Only openminds and honesty on here. You are smart and will have a positive experience here. Oh, and, lol, read the rules. My own advice, and it makes life easier on the mods and everybody all the way around




Sounds like you're ready for the tren train now brother. When you're ready lay out a plan and lets see how it looks. 



New member

thanks for the points Dolf. Ugh Tren. I ran Tren 100 back in 2012 with some test Enanthate. I did two injections a week running only 300 mg of tren and I was totally unaware of the sides. I sweat alot naturally so I would sleep with a towel every night for weeks. I dont think that ill ever run it again. It blew me up quick though but did not matter cause out of 8 cycles i had never run an AI or pct. Learned a lot on here though. Thanks




I sweat a lot naturally too. Last summer I swore I'd never run tren when the weather is hot again. This summer it's been npp for me. 
