Test E cycle & High BF%


New member

Hello everyone, Newbie here. I've came across alot of great info and advice on this site. I'am 26yrs old currently 6'1 252lb and 22%BF. I've been weight training since I was 16yrs old. Played sports as well throughout my years of school. I've decided to do a Test E only since this will be my first time doing a cycle. My question is, do you guys see anything wrong or have any advice for me being at 22%BF? Im currently cutting right now trying to get down to 210-215lbs and around 10%BF. Should I wait to start the Test E only cycle or would it be fine to start now?




Hello smoove187 and welcome to the MG community. C'mon in and make yourself at home and please be sure to read the rules.

Running a straight test-E cycle for your first cycle is a good decision but you will also want to have an AI, to control estrogen, and a PCT mapped out as well. On or off a cycle, your BF is dependent on diet since your diet plays an important role in reaching your goals. Bulking, cutting, lean bulk, etc... all revolve around diet. So the answer to your question is NO, your current BF is not too high to run a Test only cycle but the underlying and more relevant question you need to ask yourself is are you eating correctly to meet your goals. Search the diet forums for more detailed info on this.




Welome smoove187! be sure you’ve found the right place.

glad to have you among us. Feel free to ask and share your knowlege with other members.

you can add your pics, cycle and post some reviews on products you have used.

as about your questions, Milkin gave you a great reply.
+1 from me


Semper Fi

New member

Welcome - Good intro and smart thinking w/ the right questions...... Keep that up and you'll do fine.  Milkin already said it, and I am just now coming to get into my STUBBORN ASS head..... DIET!   Not just "I'm eating healthy" diet - but a real diet that you track your macros and maybe even micros.  Just now getting on baord with it and it is a lot of work at the beggininer but starting to get easier :)




New member

well just cover your self being higher BF could mean more sides.  take an ai/nolva for gyno and keep your diet nice and tight and you should be good to go.



New member

Dam you where all over this.  Milkin said it right nutrition nutrition . My two cents nutrition is at least 85% to 90% of you success of you cycle and the most costly . Most people hate cardio I love it personally clears the minds . This is your first cycle and there will be none like it after . Nail your diet lots of protein and moderate carbs get active and your good to go .with out proper pct your gains will go out the window so make sure thats in place. 



New member

I am very thrilled by everyone feedback that I've received back on here. I consider myself to be great listener so I'am here to soak up all the game that you guys have to give out. Throughout my Test E only cycle and along with PCT, I will be checking in, adding pics and keeping you guys updated. 




Now thats the way to do it smoove187. Keeping a cycle log will not only help you keep track of your won cycle experience,  but it will help others with a similar agenda.
