Test Suspension And Methandienone

Big Dan T

New member

I was woundering if I could mix test suspension with liquid dbol? I wouldn't think there would be a problem if I put the test in the syringe first, being that it's unesterfied and suspended in water juxtaposed to the dbol being suspensed in oil. 




I would say no since many often mix water & oil based compound  in the same barrel. However, as you may know, T-suspension PIP leaves you with the feeling like you just got kicked by a horse so the absorption time may be prolonged due to the dbol ester. 


Big Dan T

New member

you know I was thinking the same thing, but in the back of my mind; I thought I was over thinking it... I know test-sup hurts, because its unesterfied and the smaller the ester the greater the pain.... what if I got test-e/dbol already mixed and on my pin days I'll use that and on my other days I can use an Oral... would there be any probelms? I wouldn't think so, being the compound "methandienone"  isnt altered... it remains the same in liqiud or oral form...



New member

Hi there I dont believe there is a problem in regard to the product changing its absorption times and it certainly wouldn't change its chemical makeup however when I have added oil and water products it almost ever time jammed the barrels, literally locking it in place. Hence I would separate the products. 



New member

Most test suspension I have tried, and I have tried MANY different brands, but they all seem to clog a 22g needle, due to the crystals and heating it up DOES NOT make a difference. So what I have figured out so solve the clogging is this, I draw about a quarter to a half ml of Test prop first in the syringe, then I draw another ml of Test suspension in the same syringe. The oil seems to make the suspension flow through the needle with ease. I cant tell you how many ml's of suspension I have trashed before I figured out this method. Just to be clear, Test Suspension is water based testosterone, TNE is oil based ester less test. I much prefer Suspension due to the "instant" kick it gives, TNE takes about 2 hours to fully kick, but works well also. In my opinion, the whole "dont mix water based with oil based" is a myth and have been debunked over the years. I myself have mixed and have found no problems with it. As long as you trust your Test Suspension source, you should be good to go, but keeep in mind that test suspension does have more of a chance to be contaminated/contain bacteria since it is water based. 


Big Dan T

New member

cool dude thnks. im not interested in test sup myself, but my buddy is a powerlifter and he was thinking about running test-c until I brought up test-sp and then he asked about running it together when dbol in the same shot... so I told him I'll get him an awnser. me personally I always had good gains from  simple test and dbol, or test deca anavar, test and anadrol... just simple cycles



New member

Im gonna go on a limb and say this, but I know several powerlifters that compete on the national level, and MOST if not ALL records were set/broken on behalf of TestSuspension, it is the oldest form of test around, created in the 1930's and the most effective, if time is of the essence. Now of course I'm not naive enough to think that ALL they used was Suspension, Im sure its safe to say Cheque Drops and Halotestin was also in the mix lol. I do agree with you though with the keeping it simple part. My first 3 cycles were as simple as human grade test for 12 weeks and made excellent gains that I kept most of. 
