Third cycle close out advise - and what not to do


New member

ending third cycle and planning for fourth.

The cycle thus far
Entered from a cruise of 250 for 8 weeks 
Week 1 -5
Test 500. Deca 300 hcg 500 Ldex 50 every 3rd day t3 40 per day
Week 5 -8
Test 500 deca 400 hcg 500 lDex every other day some bloat then a bit less later
Week 8-10 
Test 1000 deca stopped hcg 500 ldex 50mcg every day 
       Seemed great untill week 9.5 then My E must have gone high, I thought it crashed due to joint pain but the test results show 49 a bit high and out of range 
Week 10-12  
Test down to 750
week 13 started cruise at 250 per week 


Well-known member

First and foremost for the benefit of anyone else who may read this I have to recommend that before I could offer you any advice you should go and get a full male hormone panel done. If we are going to mess with our hormones we need to know at all times what we are doing to them and the only way that can be determined is with blood work. If you have never ordered blood work here is a great post written by Burr that will assist -

Make sure you give it a thumbs up if you find it to be helpful.

Second if steroid use places anyone in 'pcycho mode' they really need to seriously reconsider the use of steroids, at least until they can be in a more disciplined and stable position that it does not make them take action on feelings that they normally would not have or do things they would not normally do without steroid use.

Concerning blood DONATION and test concentration- The human body is an amazing machine and it adjusts external and internal cellular hydration to maintain a balance of 70/30. It does this every minute of everyday.... that is how efficient it is. If you are remaining properly hydrated after a donation your plasma (fluid volume) is the same within 24 hours after donation as it was before donation. Donating blood will have negligible effect on your blood concentration of testosterone. Your body maintains a proper balance and your blood VOLUME only changes slightly based on your hydration level. Have you ever noticed how your veins will become more dominant when you are well hydrated? That is because your body has all the internal cellular fluid it needs and the balance is stored as external. Once the body determines it has too much external cellular fluid it will discard it and you will have to go pee. ;) Like I said we are an amazing efficient creation. 

In your post you are asking for advice without having a clear goal. I suggest stating a goal and what you propose to do and then maybe we  can offer more assistance. The level that you are wanting to compete I suggest you do a lot more research before committing more time and energy into steroid use. The education will not go to waste and the time investment will payback is spades.

I stand by my first statement and will not offer my advice other than what I have offered without blood work results. Your health is too important and I do not want to be part of a potentially unseen problem. I hope you find the information helpful or at least educational.





New member

it takes about two weeks here for results, so I will close out this bulk cycle looks like I might net 5-7 lbs of muscle with clear gains in the arms and shoulders . I think have been stable at 500 test So that's how I will finish the cycle . When I receive the bloods I will start over the correct way with a cycle log and plan and a clear goal for the cycle. Thanks for offering to review the bloods semperfi.

correction I am starting cruise at 250 for 8 weeks , bloods now and again in 8 weeks. It's cardio time!



New member

my opinion on the logic used to alter dose and the end results. Was at 500 test week 8 just dropped deca of 400 week 1-8. Because the cycle had gone well and I figured after 8 week and third cycle I was desensitized a little so I wanted to test what dose I could handle.

did 750 and no prob , lined up the next weeks shots to hit 1 gram, but the next shot after I put a note on that said if not feeling 100 % do not take this shot to long ester of Cyp. I did not feel 100% so I skipped the shot which prevented a long term reaction but I had 3 bad days no violence but odd way of thinking And reacting , plus an E crash with massive join pain and emotional reactions. 

What i Learned is I am not ready anytime soon to go to 1 gram of test. I also learned my body and mind arnt ready to go there. I think I would benifit by bouncing my ideas of others who may have seen this coming more clearly then I did Or could recommend a wiser approach.

im still all about safe gains but with a calmer approach And a more open mind.

this was embarrassing but I am sharing the good and bad and the lesson Hopefully someone will benifit from my mistake. If you test a new level leave a safety valve and know your ai symptoms . 



New member
This test is one week after my last shot of 375mcg test cyp and 24hrs after my first cruise dose 
of 250mcg Per week. The 375 dose was 3x PW = 1125 that was to high for me.


TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL, LC/MS/MS 3075 ng/dl  high

FREE TESTOSTERONE 1061.3 pg/ml  high

Estrodiol   49  high

FSH  <.7

LH    <.2

Hematocrit     17.1 

don't know why but I did not get an RBC count

All else in range

free test pg/ml

total test ng/dl
