Third Generation Aromatase Inhibitors


New member

Not way of topic, but just my 2 cents based on experience. My personal opinion is first and foremost we are all different, I have run high test with very little aromatizing, blood work has proven this to me as well, secondly the research liquids and ugl stuff i've used for example Adex running at 1/mg EOD is fine, but now i strickly run Pharm grade AI and when I run these 1mg is to much. My approach now that i've been at this for some time is that pharma AI's are the way to go, they are readily available internationally shipped and the marginal cost increase balances itself out because i find you typically don't need as much. Same as Caber (Dostinex) for 19-nor prolactin sides and pct. This is the only way I go with it now due to how easily this stuff is attainable. 



New member

Quick question for you...are you the same Zewi who scammed the fuck out of another board? You can say no but you are. Same avi, same style of writing and attitude, etc
