Thoughts on Steroid Theories


New member

Hello Brothers and sisters, today I bring to you something I saw on youtube (I know great place of inspiration and wisdom) lol. But to a newcomer of this lifestyle It really got creative juices flowing, and I wanted to see what everyone's opinion is on this. I was watching a video of Rich Piana's titled Steroid Cycle Theories. And in the above stated video Rich said something he did and believes in is taking two to three compounds at a lower dose for 3-4 weeks, then totally switching those 3 compounds for another 2-3 compounds at a low dose for the next 3-4 weeks, and so on. Which leads me to believe....

1. He's totally off his rocker


2. He may be onto something.

The body does build a tolerance to substances rather quickly, so constantly keeping it guessing would in hindsight produce better gains would it not? But the part that makes me think he is off his rocker is that filling your body with low doses of multiple compounds over a course of 3-4 months would produce some very unwanted sides, and might do a number to your natural test levels and really do wonders on your hormones. But also once you are starting to get the effects of the first batch of compounds, you're switching to new ones which may take awhile to build up in the system leaving you're blood levels inconsistent, therefore leaving you with a week or 2 of nothing or very little running in your system. Unless you use shorter esters I don't see how this method would be much of benefit but then again I'm just learning the ropes of aas so maybe one of the  veteran users here can explain to me more the pros and cons of such a theory.  

The second theory has to do with oral steroids such as DBOL, Anadrol, Anavar, and Winistrol. Say you're taking 30mgs of Dbol a week but end up upping dosage to around 75mgs by the end of 4 weeks due to building a tolerance and you weren't getting the same out of the original 30 mgs. Rich stands by his method of running multiple orals at low dosages for say 2-3 days then switching to another for 4-5 days and mixing it up the next week to keep your body constantly guessing so you never build a tolerance. So I can see where he gets his reasoning from as long as he only mixes bulkers with bulkers such as dbol and a-bombs , and cutters with cutters such as anavar and winistrol. But one thing that concerns me is liver toxicity in this situation. Even at low dosages all are methylated steroids and dbol/anadrol are the most hepatoxic, so even at low dosages mixing of the two cannot be good on the liver? But then again could it be at low dosages that it is not so bad and wouldn't put as much stress on the liver granted youre supplementing with milk thistle/liv52?  Sorry just some late night thoughts cant sleep always trying to learn, and get further ahead on this journey we call life.  So let me know what you guys think on the topic.






is no steroid guru dude,  yeah he is big but self admitatedly  tons of growth and been using steroids for over 25 years not to mention his genetics, so no I would not follow his advice research for yoursel and experience educated theories on your self 




Ahhhhhh the ol "piano". I figured him and prophet muscle would have killed each other by now...lmao.... I had the pleasure of meeting ol piano in Vegas one year..... Big ass dude. Some of his theories make sense. I watched the same video of that and I sorta agree..... Mixing up compounds can make a difference but Also you have to figure in the different changes to your body that compounds do. Not all are the same. So you have to monitor your bodies changes on each compound. That's why I keep a detailed cycle log...... So I'll know what each compound did. But I have heard ppl do his theory. I new a bro in my old gym in fl.... He would take a mix of drol and bol..... IMO not a good idea... But it worked for him. 


So I sorta agree.



New member

Brother trip I'm not following his advice, i just found this topic interesting. I do my own research which I why I pointed out what I thought was flawed with his methods but what could possibly be of benefit as well. 



New member

I'm not a fan of the guy, but I stumbled across the video and found it interesting, now just a question brother in your opinion why do you think it is not a good combo of mixing drol and Dbol? liver toxicity? Or sides? 




malthouse5656 said:
</p><p>I'm not a fan of the guy, but I stumbled across the video and found it interesting, now just a question brother in your opinion why do you think it is not a good combo of mixing drol and Dbol? liver toxicity? Or sides? </p><p>
. </p><p> </p><p>Both.... Sides can be controlled but running to liver toxic orals like putting two bullets in a gun for Russian roulette. But I'm in agreement cause as we use a.a.s. over the years our bodies recognize the compound being administered. I think me and Dolf or sieg was discussing this in open forum about Tren sides. I believe our bodies get used to the compounds being pit into our bodies. And as we use these compounds we also learn our bodies reaction to them so were able to "tweak" the cycle doses to our utmost needs. "Piano" could have summed the whole idea up with the sustanon break down..... Running 3 different tests in one cycle. But like I said I have seen two different orals ran from and dbol and he gained but he had to monitor the sides very closely and liver toxicity was a major concern.</p>



Taking 50mg of adrol and 50mg of dbol is not crazy vs taking 100mg of one. The reasoning is at over 50mg of either the sides become more prominent, but taking both at 50mg each gives you more benefits of high mg oral, but less sides because it's at 50mg of each. I've ran 100mg of dbol and the sides are horrible. I've ran 50mg drol with 50mg dbol and virtually have zero sides.




Taking 50mg of drol and 50mg of dbol is no more liver toxic than taking 100mg of one or the other.




Piana is a huge motherfucker, but much of his logic is bullshit. He's just feeding his ego by acting like he's reinventing the wheel. His wife is hot, but his advice is not. Keeping stable blood levels is what keeps your body in balance. Unstable bloods lead to many issues like acne, moodiness, and feeling tired. The constant up and down would kill me. For me keeping everything stable and in balance makes me a happier more energetic man. That's why I pin shorts like prop and ace daily rather than eod. 




Don't listen to rich piana his arms are full of pmma oils like synthol but it's permenant and it's super expensive to get the injections so don't take advice from him want muscle that ya worked for and real so Deff wouldnt take his advice on cycles Lol I can't stand piana like to get him on arm wrestling table and slam him and watch his arms deflate; )




im not even going to aggervate myself ,  rich pianne is a fucking over paid yes paid by hundereds of sponcers to fucking kill the young the most wreckless and unsafe ...he is a fucking disgrace.  and his name should be a bannable offence on every board.  ...there my 2cents 



New member

My apologies for even bringing his name up, didn't realize he was the most hated human in the fitness industry, deff wont talk about him or his logic again here 




malt no.offence at you , so i hope you dont take it that way ..

he is a train wreck , and going to be if not already the cause of many many young men hurting or destroying there selfs ...

i stand for helping a brother susceed , SAFELY ,  he is the complete oppositt ..

no man should run the wreckless.shit he says , my gods pros on stage , run multicompounds , but there not even in the same world with this fool ...

just my opion





then talk about stacks and cycles ..look at him he is a baloon., he would be laughed off any stage , or any discussion forum.  , like you said hes full of sytenol, 

and ppl praise him he is a disgrace to the whole scene but me like you , lol anymore not my problem.  , loke rich piane , like him.   idk 




So true and it kills me that kids look up to this guy and all he is going to do is get kids hurt and makes me so mad every cycle he posts is not safe and like this 30 pounds of muscle he did the cycle maid no Damn since at all blown out of paportion and I can't stress enough for ppl not to fallow him but my opinion and ya can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink but he so full of pmma oil and that's not the kind of muscle you want every inch on me came with hard work and dedication and the love of it to become a champion basicly it's all up to the enividual 


Use way as way and limitation as limitation Bruce Lee 




X2 & +2 AB!

I hate to hate on a guy when he can't defend himself, but it's clowns like this that give fuel to the anti aas crowd who are completely ignorant to the good and bad of aas use. 




Thanks brother and yes it gives them more and more to fuel the fire of the ppl that hate on aas and don't even take the time and day to really learn abt it or really they don't care to they just want to give aas a bad rap and they don't care and y we're on the subject another guy that's doing videos that's giving aas a bad rap is Boston Loyd I mean these guys don't realize that kids will get on there and watch these videos and they will look up to these guys and want to look like them and start pinning there selfs anywrre and will get hurt Im sorry it's a touchy subject with me cause I don't want to see anyone get hurt and end up messing there selves up for the rest of there lives I just want everyone to be safe and do it responsibly: ) 




Piana and Boston Lloyd don't give a shit about anythng except themselves and money. These guys have a huge following on youtube. When a video gets enough hits they start getting paid by youtube. They make large sums of money off videos, and everytime you or me clicks play and that advertisement pops up they get paid. Even the haters who go on there just to see what fucked up shit they say next is giving them money. That's why I don't even watch that bullshit they spew from their lips.
