Time between cycles


New member

I'm just finishing my second cycle (bulking) and about to finish PCT in 2 weeks. How long till I can start my cutting cycle? I haven't done one before but I'd like to shred some fat before summer holidays after I gained some good mass with the latest cycle.


P.S. any great novice cutting cycle suggestions?



New member

Time on cycle + time on PCT = minimal time off.

So 12 week cycle + 4 week pct = 16 weeks off. But you also need to account for clearance time if using long esters so add another 2-3 weeks to get a general timeframe.

Dont know your cycle history so can't really recommend a cutting cycle, how's your diet?




x2 Erm. For me personally, finish cycle (say 16 weeks), do PCT (4 weeks), then count 16 weeks from the day you finish PCT to start another cycle. So basically for me Off time = On time. Thats conservative btw. Its not uncommon to see guys doing Off time = 1/2 On time, but you're raising your risks this way to gain a few more pounds of mucle, is it worth it for you? Its a question every man has to answer for himself.

I am on TRT, so once i finish PCT, im on TRT + peptides + ancillaries (including proviron on & off) all through the 16 weeks (based on example), then im clear to start another cycle. This setup allows me to keep my gains, and even add some more gains when im off cycle.



New member

Yeah I always match my time off to my time on aswell. Your body really needs it. Me personally I take that time to get everything in order for the next go, get bloods done and plan. Between cycles really sucks and I'm itching for the next one. But gotta keep your best interest in mind there's no point in coming off if your only gonna take a month off and get back on. 



New member

swolesam said:
</p><p>x2 Erm. For me personally, finish cycle (say 16 weeks), do PCT (4 weeks), then count 16 weeks from the day you finish PCT to start another cycle. So basically for me Off time = On time. Thats conservative btw. Its not uncommon to see guys doing Off time = 1/2 On time, but you're raising your risks this way to gain a few more pounds of mucle, is it worth it for you? Its a question every man has to answer for himself.</p><p>I am on TRT, so once i finish PCT, im on TRT + peptides + ancillaries (including proviron on & off) all through the 16 weeks (based on example), then im clear to start another cycle. This setup allows me to keep my gains, and even add some more gains when im off cycle.</p><p>
</p><p>I just came off a test e/eq 18 weeks, in my 3rd week of pct. I'm running IGF/MGF and I have gained 3 lbs and my strength and endurance has not dropped off at all. Recovery has felt easier but too soon to tell before I get blood work done.</p><p>Im not big into peptides/sarms but I figured I'd give it a shot. Probably just gonna run it 4 weeks on/4 weeks off for a bit until my next cycle.</p><p>I'm not trt yet but I got a feeling it's coming in the next few years so I really want to make sure I take a lot of time off, but it almost seems inevitable for most people. I don't think I know one guy in his 40's + that runs gear and still tries pct :p</p><p> </p><p> </p>


New member

I hear that taking igf during pct help your gains stick I need to do some more research on the subject it makes since though but not to familiar with it.  



New member

iTryHarder209 said:
</p><p>I hear that taking igf during pct help your gains stick I need to do some more research on the subject it makes since though but not to familiar with it.  </p><p>
</p><p>I thought it would be a good fit since serms like nolvadex and clomid can lower IGF levels. It has definitely helped my gains stick for sure</p><p> </p>


New member

From what I've gathered in the past good igf is hard to find and is often faked. Guess if you know a good source your in the door.




X2 iTryHarder. From what i know true/pure IGF1-LR3 is real hard to come by. I am super interested in it myself!

Erm - I sent you friend request brother. If you gained weight on IGF on PCT & maintained strength, it could sure as hell be legit. Whats the source brother. PM me please. Thank you much!




I hear you brother. TRT isnt bad at all, its actually great, saved my life personally. I posted my "story" under that thread Dolf created about TRT. 

Naturally, after you hit 38 and upwards your hormones drop significantly. Thats why you "age". HRT is great, as the name suggests, you are replacing your natural (which turned to shit because of age) with Theraputic dosages of various compounds to simulate perfect balance of hormones in your body WITHOUT causing suppression - Test, Thyroid, Estro, SHBG,.. Blood tests are key at that point to make sure you not doing too much and not doing too little either. 



New member

iTryHarder209 said:
</p><p>From what I've gathered in the past good igf is hard to find and is often faked. Guess if you know a good source your in the door.</p><p>
</p><p>True, it is hard to find but I'm having pretty good results so far, it's def better than any research company I've used. Way way way better honestly </p><p> </p>


New member

swolesam said:
</p><p>X2 iTryHarder. From what i know true/pure IGF1-LR3 is real hard to come by. I am super interested in it myself!</p><p>Erm - I sent you friend request brother. If you gained weight on IGF on PCT & maintained strength, it could sure as hell be legit. Whats the source brother. PM me please. Thank you much!</p><p>
</p><p>Gotcha bro ill hit u up</p><p> </p>


New member

Definitely agree brother. I'm getting to that age where TRT is coming. Not gonna touch hgh until I hit 40 though, but by the time I'm 36-37 I'll be on the needle for the rest of my life.

And I'm cool with that, if it maintains a better quality of life and I can still blast a cycle here and there it's all good :)




im starting HGH right after i finish my planned cycle which will start in a week or 2. Right after i finish cycle + PCT, im hopping on HGH. It should do me well. I just hope to god i dont bloat on it like i respond to these fucking GHRP peptides!!








New member

Same here, I sent some requests to a few of you, I've toyed with the igf notion for a while and read the same about most of it being garbage so I want in! Thanks in advance Turn

