TNE vs. Suspension/Aqueous


New member

Time to kick up some conversation on steroids people and what better compound to start with other ten testosterone. 

We all know that eth and cyp based test behave somewhat similar to each other in terms of half life but let's talk about the no ester versions. 

Suspension (Aquoeus) is considered old school and I have used many many times with great results. It holds it weight in gold since you don't lose any mg value like with the longer esters mentioned above. Its a killer compound and makes you feel as if you can bite a nail in half. Same holds true for tne ( test no ester ) but I must be honest I have very little experience on it to advise. Having only ran one cycle, it too gave me incredibly powerful workouts with great gains. 

Who has some history with any of these compounds ?




I dont have much history with it but like topic +1 and i guess I do have a story. I was at house had some the ,done a blast started cutting the grass ,I was out.of my mind like meth I actually had the guard rip off hut a rock smashed my leg ,(I have pics somewhere ) it swelled up worse than a egg turned purple.instantly and bleed ,yet I kept cutting the grass ... So this shit.can be no joke



New member

I bought about 100ml's of tne from bj before he vanished again shit was good but short lived. Seemed like a waste to me because effects were so short but good strength though and pumps so I guess it's worth it. Still have a few vials rolling around now you got me thinking.




Suspense I like ,

for example with out getting into AI, pct & oral -     50mg of Tren ace ED /100 mg suspense ED.    I am on week 3 of 10.       The spens has a very short half life so it's in and out fairly quick , It kicks like a mule but it makes me feel like the hulk. Now that I'm mixing the water based spense and TREN A in one syringe it kicks a little less.    Just my 2 cents on spense.



New member

both deliver the same hormone. Suspension absorbs a little faster than TNE since its water, not oil. TNE has a lot more solvents as well. Its harder to make suspension and different filters are needed as well




So does tne / suspension actually give good gains can your body put it to use  or is it basically just one hell of a pre workout  mad pumps and energy kind of thing



New member

sense that you would see gains from using it because of the increased workload you can put on your muscle groups, the more rapid protein synthesis, and the nitrogen retention promoting in recovery and muscle growth! But it would have to be pinned ed maybe 2x ed to actually "run it" I would think, atleast that is what I have read. I have only used it as a preworkout shot twice now and that is alot of fun haha. But it is interesting in the other thread where we were talking about these compounds the research was brought up that test suspension actually releases test twice into the blood, once immediately and once about 7 days later... pretty unique stuff.. I dont know bout tne



New member

its great for adding size and does it very well. Well I typically recommend for those that want to use it, run a base of test around 200-250 a week then run the suspension pre workout. Nandrolone base also works incredibly well; muscles are so full. it only holds in oil



New member

Hi guys I've been researching test suspension for a little bit and read somewhere that it's s great compound but a little harder too manage the sides because it has such a quick half life. anyone have suggestions on what i should keep on hand to manage any possible sides.. I'm currently using 1mL 2wice a week just test e 300 with 1.5 letrozole to prevent any sides



Well-known member

It is individual specific. You must be self aware of the estrogen issues that might arise from the unstable blood levels that suspension will cause. Letro is a pretty serious estrogen killer so for you specifically you need to be careful not to crash your E2. Since I do not know your history you may have a lot of experience using letro but if you don't I recommend switching over to aro or adex.




New member

thank you 

i should have blood work done before hand.

what should i say to my physician when I see him ?

I also need to find out what I'm messing with in my body, but there's so much to learn and almost no where i know of to find the answers to the questions i dont know to ask 

what is aro ?

what is adex ?




Well-known member

Sweet. Just don't put me in a position that would require me to wipe your ass.... that's not going to be a pleasant experience for either of us. ;))))






If you are worried about your physician's reaction, just get your bloods ordered online. Then go to labcorp or something like that to get your blood drawn. Results are emailed to you. privatemdlabs is good start.



Well-known member

Blaster you never fail to catch my true meaning hidden in a simple misspelt word. Facts are facts. ;)




Well-known member

Spoonfeeding and wiping your chin brother to show you how easy it is to find what you are looking for....

Don't be offended... I have a very factious sense of humor.

Educate yourself on how to read the blood results and everything you can about what the numbers mean including corrective action(s).

Aro is short for aromasin and Adex is short for arimidex. Both are amortizing inhibitors. You will need to get educated on dopamine antagonist and everything you can learn about PCT. PCT is the most critical part of your cycle if you are not TRT.

EDIT - armomatase Inhibitor NOT amortize. Thanks for the catch Blaster. 





Well-known member

Mr. OCD Blast Master, Now that was truly an accidental misspelling due to auto-correct. Damn thing is always correcting me... even when I am right... just like my wife.


