To Keto Diet? Or Carb Cycle....


New member

So the time is ticking, just over 10 weeks out from the wedding. Cycle is still going well. Just hit another PR on squat!!! 425lbs and I'm at 14.8% BF! I just really want to dial this shit in and get that sub 12 and definition. Any thoughts on Keto and how it's worked for you, if it's worth it at this point, or should I begin to carb cycle. Take in mind just by lowering my caloric intake and earing clean 90% of the time I've dropped about 10% BF this cut. I just don't know if completely throwing carbs out (keto) would be worth it, or if cycling carbs would be a better rout. Would love the input and help planning out these next 10 weeks of eating. 



Well-known member

Little Brother,

I am a keto junky. I spend the majority of the year keto adapted and to do it right takes a lot of patience and causes a lot of stress initially. With your wedding coming up and the success that you have so far on this cycle I would recommend that you skip the keto diet this round. I know you probably could do it really well but the stress on the body is killer for a first timer.

Carb cycling is a great option and one worth considering.

Here is my cycling protocol-

If you have made such good progress so far why change what you are doing? A 10% reduction is a no bullshit accomplishment. If it ain't broke don't try and fix it. ;) Making a change for the sake of change is generally a opening for failure.

If you are committed to pursuing a keto or anabolic diet shoot me a PM and I will provide you with some information. Dolf cuts sometimes using a keto diet also. Look in the diet and nutrition section of the forum and you will see some of the discussions.

BTW- Your cycle and dedication is something to be proud of. I know I am surprised. I thought for certain you results would be moderate at best. I am thankful to admit I was wrong. Great Job!!!





New member

I'm glad I could prove you wrong brother ;) I appreciate the feedback. I think I'm just never satisfied enough!!!!! I just really want to be tio top for this and also seeing what a contest prep would feel like so I may just be getting obsessive!!! I'd love to look into an anabolic diet or keto and was considering using that method at some point regardless, so maybe after the big day ill utilize it to maintain my lean gainz I made and then use that method of nutrition to get a solid lean bulk! I know after this shred (because it's actually showing definition this time around) I won't wanna get my seal skin back for some time. 




+3 & X2 with SF

Keto does cause some temporary irritability. There's enough stress with the wedding.
