Too dead quiet



It‘s been too dead quiet in here lately!! I miss y’all :-/

Who’s having fall weather?? We’re in the 80’s lately after a few fall like days.

Who’s got big plans for Thanksgiving this year? My wife will be having surgery, so I plan to take the week off & take care of her & I will be doing the cooking this year! Keep your fingers crossed LOL. I’m looking forward to having both of boys at the house at the same time again & my grandson!! Which found out this week I will be having another in May :)))

Who’s cycling what? I’m on a long ester cycle. I love long esters in the fall. I’m cycling Test E, Eq & Tren E. I’m really enjoying it so far!!


I know a lot has happened in our lives & here at MG lately, but this is home & I think we should stick together and make it happen!! It isn’t very desirable for all the newbies. 

Love yall 






Weather is nice here, in the 70's, the boys and wife and I are hopping on a plane for Disney this week which means I will be doing about a milion pushups and body weight exercises along with a few miles a day in the parks.  Im still in the process of lowering my BF% another percent or two before I start a cycle end of November. This will be a challenge being there is so much delicious food at my disposal but you gotta treat yourself once and awhile and make memories with the little ones.  I will be on a test only cycle come thanksgiving so I dont know who I will be with but i guarantee ill be feeding the wolf!   Cheers!



New member

   I'm loving this weather. We've been averaging low 70's, but have had a few days down in the low 60's. This is the best time of the fall for me. 

Hope your wife's surgery isn't anything major. Please keep us updated! Sounds like you're gonna have some good company, enjoy the heck out of it!

   I'm about six weeks into my usual old school fall bulker. Test E/Deca/Dbol. Dropping the dbol tomorrow. Decided to raise my doses this round to see if I can put on a little extra. Going with 750 test and 450 deca for the rest of the cycle. Gains have been great so far. Not too much water and strength is through the roof. The dbol made me aggressive as hell this time, way more than ever before. Shoulders and chest are still striated and vascular. Pretty satisfied this far. Should have some good beef to work with for the spring cut cycle.    

  We've definitely been in one of those periodic quiet valleys around here lately. Hopefully we can get a good rollcall going with this one!




Absolutely enjoy those little ones mate!! I miss my boys being small! Disney is awesome... except the prices!  Have fun my friend. Will y’all be going to West Coast or East Coast? 




Weather sounds great!!! Descent hunting weather :)

Yeah my wife has been having some bad female issues so hopefully this surgery will help & we get results that’s it’s not cancerous. 

Man seems like you’re enjoying this cycle & I’d definitely give the higher doses a try at least once to know how your body responds!! Some find they like the higher dose & others find that lower doses yield the same or better results. Keep us updated my friend...



New member

600/300 is the highest id gone before. I don't really mind upping the doses on a bulker. I like to keep my doses lower and stretch the cycle out a little longer on a cut. im already daydreaming about spring. Gonna make this last summer look like rookie stuff.




We're going east coast.  Looking to be in the mid 80s all week so it will be nice to get some time away from work and the daily grind. 




This past week, I came down with a nasty case of the crud with a low grade fever off and on. Still went to work, but was dragging serious ass. Yesterday was the first day back at the gym! Got a full body workout in, but lost 2 pounds over the course of that week; probably water mostly since I was eating at maintenance cals or at a deficit. Hitting chest and hams today.

One thing I like about getting sick is that my mind settles into a quite creative place. I started telling myself a story that has developed into quite a novel (I once wrote erotic romance short stories back about 15 years ago). The current story having many twists and turns involving some very hot sex scenes, steroid labs, murder, a  sensuous romance in Western China, a break up that goes rather well,  and a trip to Norway to do an arms deal with Russia and China. The main characters are Freyja, Andy, Kathy, Han Xiang, Kjersti, and Taylor. There are supporting characters, but the readers get a substantive view into each characters back story. Freyja is Norwegian-born raised in Minnesota and is working as a call girl for executive parties; she is in love with Andy. Andy is a Nebraska farm boy who works a dagger with great skill and is in grad school studying philosophy. Kathy is his friend of Andy's, and is studying Logic and Mathematics. Taylor is also a grad student who is studying molecular-cellular biology with Kjersti, who is an IFBB pro. Taylor supplies brews and supplies gear. She got into the trade vis-a-VI's her uncle Frank (a former world class bodybuilder) when she was in high school. Han is a Chinese man who moved to America with his father shortly after he finally hooked up with Tuk, a girl who would visit him at his fathers shop to talk and have tea.

Freyja and Andy are currently en route to Oslo, where they will meet once again. A few murders are planned for Andys future in Norway ;)

Taylor and Andy just broke up. Taylor is now in China to purchase a large quantity of raws abf hGh. She meets Han on an intercontinental flight from Shianghai to Shen Yin. Kathy is staying in NYC, her future is TBD. Kjersti is now qualified for next years Olympia. I'm not sure yet what happens with Taylor just yet, but fairly certain of the fates of Andy and  Freyja <3

All of the characters are based on people I've known, or know about, some scenes are autobiographical with added dramatization for effect. Parts are purely fantasy and imagination, obviously lol. 

Yep, been quiet round here!

Cycling Test p and MENT, 6 weeks in. In two weeks I move on to test p/npp/mast p. Going to be a long haul once it's complete! Oh, finishing it with test/tren/mast/DHT. Its in the cycle logs ;)

Thanksgiving... its my favorite holiday, or it was. My daughter goes to grandmothers house to celebrate (fancy shmancy! ). Yule has therefore become "thanksgiving" where lefsa is in great abundance. She and I will endeavor to recreate a Viking Age stew this year. Last year was rabbit stew with barley based largely from American pioneer recipes. Too many tiny damn bones! Tasty though :)

Right now, while the weather is comfortable if you like a nip to the air, there are massive fires raging and a shit ton of smoke is choking ly thick even an hour south of the actual fires. The burned area is completely destroyed.

Well folks, gotta hit the road, and get my ass under the bar! And, continue with my self entertaining story. Freyja just boarded the yacht headed across the Atlantic headed to Portugal.. 



Well-known member


its all about new content brother. We got to keep the wolves fed with fresh meat. Some members have done more than their share and it's time for a newer breed to step up and take on the responsibility.

Just like a brick and mortar business relies on location, location, location online business need new content, content, content.






I respect & understand your perspective. I’m not as advanced or as knowledgeable as you my friend so I’m limited, but I’m just trying in my own meager way to stir somethings up here :)



Well-known member

Everything you do for us and with us is needed and deeply appreciated by all Preacher. You are one of MG's corner stones of encouragement and personal support. I can't do what you do!





New member

The surgery is so stressful but it will pull everyone together and everything will go fine.

As for me and my life well, I've continually reduced my drinking over the years.  The last couple years Ive reduced to 2-4 beers a few times a month with a binge 3-4 times a year.  Now I've gone 4 weeks without a drink and I think its going to stay that way, its just not worth it anymore. I'm currently single and I'm not super social so it really helped me in that regard but I need to find new ways to branch out, I've joined yoga hopefully I'll stick with it.   I had such fun but such suffering from hangovers worse than anyone I know of.  I'm really lucky be alive and/or not in jail. My liver has been working too hard for many many years.  I'll keep its efforts focused on a.a.s  

Ive switched to to Deca 250mgs and 150 of Test C per week.   I got a pre-mixed combo so I'm going with it even though the Deca is a bit more than I need.  I'm 2 weeks into it and the pump I'm getting is great I'll get a blood test in a week or two and see where things are.   The previous Test I was taking must have been overdosed right now the acne problem is gone and I'm feeling good.   I'll post a current picture




Appreciate the encouragement mate!!

 I’m so glad to hear you’re getting straightened out. You’re right there is fun in it, but only for a short season & there’s more heartache than anything in the long run. You won’t ever regret it my friend!! I’m always here if you need to chat, vent or need some accountability. 

Sounds like an enjoyable cycle. I hope it’s the best yet & so please keep us updated buddy!!




Good job keeping away from the booze. I know the feeling of losing a social life that is almost effortless with the liquid courage flowing freely in the blood of the patrons of the neighborhood watering hole. Now, when I am around intoxicated people I almost cringe, retract, and almost feel somewhat sorry for them. I am better off not being in that crowd any longer. Admittedly, it was crazy fun while it lasted...I think lol! 

Stay the course metalhead. As you improve, you will likely attract and be attracted to someone in the same boat. You'll be happy to have waited for that one. I can tell you from personal experience, that when you make changes to better yourself while with someone who has no interest in self improvement, things get a bit challenging for both parties in the relationship. The whole lead the horse to water thing...

Glad to hear that you seem to have the sides under control :)




Man I’m hate to hear you’ve been down, but I’m glad you’re feeling better Bro!!

How you like that MENT? I’m really wanting to try it myself :))
