Training Enhanced to Training Natural What To Expect


New member

Hello MG, this post is as the title states, what to expect from training enhanced to training natty. Like i said in my previous post, im just getting back into the lifting life but before my long vacation I was training with gear. Now getting back into training im kinda confused on what i should do. I know that going back to natural you have to eat big, and lift heavy to experience hypertrophy and its at a much slower rate you will see results. But my questions are as following...

1) how often can I work a body part a week without it being counterproductive?

2) would diet macros change or would they stay the same as being on cycle?

3) # of sets and # of exercises per body part?  only reason i ask is because i want to trigger protein synthesis and stop since that is the key to growth so i wanna know when to stop instead of getting to protein breakdown.

4) Also whats the best split for a natural? Push/Pull?


Sorry for these super easy sounding questions but ive just been out of the game for awhile and wanna make sure i attack this and go about it the absolute right way. Thanks to anyone who answers and puts there 2 cents in.






most of the same principals apply natural to enhanced, what steroids do is just

help you recover better and keep you anabolic.Training on steroids  doing a bodypart 1x a week works very well as long as you know how to train with intensity.Protein synthesis is enhanced when on.So naturally is can be between 24-48 hours while enhanced it can be anywhere from 4-7 days so you don't need to hit your biceps 3xs a week just an example.Keep it simple,of

course you should eat more but not

dramatically more you should focus on redistributing your macros and then add as needed.Dont be the dumbass that does a thousand rep sets becUse he's on steroids and rich piana said that's what builds muscle.Those guys lifted heavy to build the foundation they had way before that super high reps bullshit 




Those questions are excellent, and not exactly simple to answer as there are a few approaches to each of them. I can help u out this weekend since typing on a cell phone gets rather cumbersome and tedious. Im sure that others will beat me to the punch, but i have some thoughts to share... later though :)




This whole

natural vs enhanced

is a stupid comparison.It literally

is what causes the rift between mediocre naturals and guys on steroids.Lool

i have seen guys on gear that look like shit or

look like they cycle creatine not

AAS.What I'm getting at is if you don't know how to train then on or off you will never

be at that level.Intensity is the common denominater  it comes to training for a great body which I assume

is your goal.You can try any split and you will

get better but how hard are you pushing if you in the gym for 2 hours doing legs then guess what your not doing shit.If your doing back for 2 hours more than likely your not doing shit because if you train with intensity 1 hour to 90

minutes max is more than enough.If you have to ask yourself if you train hard you don't.This is not meant to be disparaging this is just the truth and I want you to benefit from it.Gwt your training locked

in then go back on but don't ever limit yourself with questions like

can I do this because I'm natural or

i can't train this way because blah blah

or I need to do only lift heavy.Look let me

make this brief(I know yeah right) you need to lift heavy/moderate/light but you need to find out which muscle fiber types you have and where they are chest grows off of heavy my side and rear delta light, my triceps heavy, back moderate weight while holding the contraction.Do not pigeon hole yourself,the hamstring muscle in most people is 90% fast twitch meaning heavy weight for 4-8 repS will make them grow while my biceps are 18inchs+ pumped but get bigger usong

light weight high reps and stretch techniques.they are predominantly slow twitch.Learn your body read some articles on that subject and I gurantee you will get bigger and stronger on or

off.Throw that natty vs enhanced shit out

of your head.Good

luck my brother I just gave you some

serious game my wife usually charges






Well-known member


I have to agree 100% with J. The intensity in which you train means everything and the only thing you need to remain aware of is the difference in recovery off vs. on.

I have trained side by side with natty and enhanced professionals. The one thing they all have in common is an unnatural work ethic that sets them apart from all the others in the gym.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable and you might be on the right path. ;)






J basically said it plain and simple and added some very nice detail to the approach. Thanks J, good stuff. 

What you do off cycle is just as, if not more important, than what you do while on cycle. Develop good training habits, find out what works for your body ( I have discovered high volume training for chest quads and back work great for me, now I am playing with frequency to see where that takes me). It's all about discovery, and no two people are alike, there will be similarities, but find what works for you. Then when you have practiced for some time, its time to get back on the track (race car driver analogy) and put the skills you have developed into action.

Like SF said, recovery is or at least might be longer off than on. Natural testosterone production is pulsitile and the pulses are not necessarily regular. When we use testosterone, our system is constantly flooded with hormone more or less.

