Tren Breathing


New member

Hey guys, so I’m 10 days into my Tren cycle at 350mg/week, and I have a few questions. So far I’m very surprisinglay happy to say it has done the opposite to me as most ppl. NPP makes me so mean you can’t stand to be around me but Tren has actually mellowed me out. I do have some insomnia but no night sweats. The only time I sweat badly is during my workouts. But the breathing problems are getting real. I’m packing on size FAST, everyone is telling me they think I’m taking something. But, even though I’m growing very good, my strength hasn’t really increased any because I struggle to catch my breath so bad that I end up feeling really weak and tired. Is that normal? As long as I’m growing and making good progress should I just accept that as a successful cycle and accept The breathing problems and being tired during workouts as a necessary evil to obtain my goals? I’m sure anyone at my gym that knows anything about Tren knows I’m taking it when they see me leaning against the wall huffing between every set lol! I would appreciate you guys’ input and experience. Thanks

P.S.  I would also like to add that I’ve been extremely cautious and been able to completely avoid Tren Cough during injections. I aspirate to make sure I don’t see any blood, hold the needle very still during injection to ensure not nicking a vein, inject the oil very very slowly (about a minute per cc.) and I wait 15-20 seconds after finishing injecting before removing the needle to allow the oil to disperse and reduce chances of getting into a knicked vein. I do this on all of my injctions and have never had 1 issue ever. Just thought I’d share my method so if someone is having issues with Tren Cough they could give it a try. 




That's  one of the down falls of tren , I honestly dont miss it ,, and I'll take being able to breath ,and feel good over any size ...

My training is supposed to be enjoyable , and beneficial to my health , not struggling to breath  ..

Like I said that's 1 down fall of tren  ,I promise more to come  , jealously, attitude ,ego,chip ,usually weeks 6 on for me the tren shows itself 



New member

Thanks Sieg, I appreciate the advice and will definitely keep a close eye on things. I definitely agree with you. My thinking st this point is maybe deal with the sides for 2-3 cycles and get to the size I want and then not run Tren anymore and maintain by other means. 


Alpha Omega


Hey brother! When I do want FAST gains and use tren I ALWAYS keep a bronc dilator on hand. You start simple at any walmart, CVS, Walgreens etc etc and pickup BroncAid. It will most likely be behind the pharmacy counter because it does have ephedrine in it. Just insure it wont interfere with any other medication you are taking. This helps open your lungs up, works wonders for me.



New member

Thanks brother, I appreciate the help! I’ll definitely do that for sure! I’m curious from you guys that have run numerous Tren cycles, I know Ace is a short ester and I’m already seeing good gains in 10 days. But at what point in the cycle do you feel you are at full potential and receiving the best gains?



Well-known member

That question actually does not make any sense to me because once the TrenA has achieved peak blood serum levels its a good as it is going to get as far as the compound is concerned and with the acetate ester that is going to happen rather quickly. After that all the results are just progressive from how the individual is eating, training, recovering and resting..... tumbling domino's.... the end result is not as exciting as the actual event.... but the end lets you see where you have been and where you have arrived. ;)


