

New member

OK so recently I have discovered that I get extremely paranoid if I over due my regular dosage of thc. I found that there is a happy medium and if I dare tread past that line I get 10x more paranoid than compared to me not running tren. so my question for you brothers what is your experience with thc+tren is it similar to what I'm witnessing?



New member

I have gotten a whole lot of anxiety from tren and could only imagine having a tren moment after hitting some strong kush, could lead to extreme paranoia. You need to ease into the sativa strains and they will treat you nicely!!





There was a time when I could smoke hit after hit and never get weirded out but at some point in my early 40's the effect changed and it made me paranoid. It seemed to happen about the same time I started doin too much blow. I gave up the blow, but pot has never been the same. 




I had no problems with weed and tren. Every once in a while after 3 hits I will be a little paranoid but usually when I'm super stressed..




I think the older we get the more paranoid we become  the the and tren just amplify it  in my younger days I could do an 8 ball of Coke and never think twice now I would prob be peeking out the windows with the lights off :) 



New member

i think the THC blends are getting stronger ...... Just like the test blends that have came out within the past two years? THC & Test = Geeked out :-O 




I'm personally wanting some good kush but at this moment in time I can't due to the fact that I'm working on getting a better paying job so I don't want to fuck up my chances but once I do I'll be smoking some shit ...the Coca -Cola is not my friend I hate that bitch but some good kush is very welcomed in my life ...!!!! To chill and take a bong hit is what I look forward too ..!!!!! 




To kush or not to kush is the question ...I would rather Kush and chill Then to do some rails ... That white is some shit she got me in her web for a while and I had to drag myself out of her grip.. so I'll rather kush and chill ....So those days of chilling with an 8 Ball and staying up for days and hanging in the Devils Den don't longer call me or attract me so my  brothers let's just Kush and chill........!!!!!
