

New member

what's up my friends? I am on a great journey to start a new cycle around March, been getting my workouts and diet on point. will be cycling

 Tren sucked so I figured I'd give Trestolone (MENT) a try. Has anyone messed with the stuff? I don't mind pinning ED I was pinning teen ace everyday Thoughts? Suggestions. I want to start with 50MG ED and by week 4 bump it to 100MG   

I'm at 18% BF and hoping to get down to at least 12% before starting. Lost 12 LBS this month so the weight loss is going How I want it. 

I will be logging weekly once I start this some time in March :) 




New member

I too am becoming more and more interested / curious in Trestolone.   Back in my pro-hormone / ignorant days I did a cycle that included both oral and dermal trest .... I remember needing to jump on the AI rather quickly and I did see some significant strength gains.  Used the oral pre-workout since it has a very short half-life in oral form.  Lets just say that that cycle was significant enough to make me think the real deal MENT would be worth giving a try.   So, long story short, I would like to hear from some of the MG Family who have any experience with the stuff too.  


Big Nasty

New member

Brothers, check out Semper Fi's former cycle with MENT in the Cycles section. Its very detailed and a lot of traffic on its use. SF had a great cycle and experience using it. Lots of good info and of course reach out to him I would recommend to get better details and accurate info. I plan to add it in future cycles as well. 



Well-known member

It is being researched as a male contraceptive and is VERY effective at it. Stay away if you are considering children now or in the future. It is going to shut you down hard with almost zero exceptions. MENT is 12X more HPTA suppressive than Test. Guaranteed your boys won't be swimming in the face of that. ;)

Please consider carefully any choice of supplementation.

BTW- Great to see you back in action Swole and I hope you are at 100% after your injury.





Very advanced cycle, but some good info on trestalone...



New member

Thanks for the honesty brother! Do you think HCG will help my boys? I may just stick with Test prop, NPP, masteron cycle. It's great to be back and thanks for the support my brother!



Well-known member

Nothing is guaranteed but HCG should be part of the plan. I would recommend not going over 50mg ED as well. If you can't get great results from 50mg or less you either are using the wrong source or doing something wrong in your program. Although MENT is a 19-nor it aromatizes more like test so be very aware. You still should have a DA on hand just as if you were running any other 19-nor. MENT does not bind to SHBG and does not reduce to DHT.

Test- Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio - 100/100

MENT - Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio - 2300/650

Do not be deceived by those figures. MENT is NOT a wonder steroid and is only effective as you allow it to be.

Not trying to scare you off because it is much more side friendly on my system than Tren was. I just want you to be aware of all the potential risks and inappropriate expectations spread about it.

The possibility of sterilization is VERY real.




New member

Thanks for details and help Semp! this is definitely making me think twice about it. What were your results like compared to teen? I hate tren, makes me feel like shit and I can't ever catxh my breath on it. You're the man! It's always good to know that there are other bros in here to help you, not fuck got over. The Modd here are legit and very helpful. The MG community is rising! Thanks a lot bros! 



Well-known member

Not sure why i posted.. but ok.. 

Getting down to 12% should be your number one goal. MENT is best known to work like a little of nandrolone and Tren since it is roughly 10 times more potent than testosterone it really fits right in the middle. Knowing how a compound works is the most important, or how it acts like. However, there is one thing that MENT is above all and it really is cool. It can sustain normal male physiology without Testosterone, yes that includes sexual function. Since it is considered an 19nor family you dont have to worry about deca/tren dick which is always a good thing.  And you also dont have to worry about Ment binding with SHBG. 

As for how much you should take, again lower Bf to get better results. 50mg ED i think is a good way to start.

** Again like SEMPER FI said it does convert to estor faster than test, so i highly recommend taking Aromasin over Adex. 


I was going to add more but after re-reading everyone's post nothing needs to be added. In fact i dont even think i needed to add my 2 cents. 




Lol...everyone's opinion or comments is always welcomed. I know you've been at this a long long time and from both sides of that source tag, so your opinions are a valuable asset.



Well-known member

Here you can read what I really feel about tren -

Tren is NOT a friendly steroid for me and has way too many sides expressed in almost all users to some degree and I was not an exception. My style of training is what killed the deal for me. Hurting to breath is not a good thing. 

Tren for me can be defined in one word - Worthless. I felt like I was fighting against it the entire time.




Well-known member


We need people like you Zewi peaking your head in and adding what they know. 

The most successful people on the planet are not successful because they are smarter than everyone else. They are so successful because they surround themselves with people that a smarter than everyone else..... click, click, boom! ;)





New member

Thanks for the feedback brother. I greatly appreciate and has me definitely considering taking it. Semper makes me neevous about the kids thing lol I want kids and hope those doesn't damage my boys that much. I always have an AI on hand for those estrogen problems. 


Again, thanks for the feedback brother +1




im with Siempre  I can't stand fighting for breath and night Sweats are almost unbearable for me and my bed;)  It does do wonders. If you can tolerate it I will prob get a laugh or two but equipoise is my favorite to this day.  Im just not that hard core these days I guess 



New member

I am new here, but I am on trestolone at 50mg a day. The stuff is amazing to me.

I switched from a cycle of 600mg test e, 600mg mast e, 600mg NPP a week.

I dropped all teh other gear and am doint TREST 50mg a day. for 12 days now. My weight went from 231 to 242lbs and I am stronger every workout.

I feel like it gives me an alpha attitude but not dickish like tren. I feel warmth all day in my skin slightly. And I am horny as hell.

I also feel a bit stimulated, but it doesn't effect my sleep.

I also, do high intensity workouts and can't deal with tren and the cardio issues. 

i am not super bloated either, although I don't look dry. But no moon face or big time puffiness you would expect from an 11 pound gain in 12 days.

I am very happy with it and like I said, I am not on any test or anything else and the dick is working great.






Well-known member

I can concur with your experience because I experienced all those things you describe.

NOTE- Just so other members are curious about motorboats 'no test' disclosure - MENT is being researched for HRT and is currently being used by many patients without the inclusion of test.

Hey Motor, We would love tot see you post an introduction in the appropriate section of the forum so we can get to know you better. ;)





New member

Ok, so I'm not sure if Im even aloud to ask this question, I'm new to this forum so sorry in advance if this is against the rules....but I've been looking all over where do you find this stuff??
