Trt blood work and cycling



I'm on trt 200 mg test per week. I have blood work done every six months.   I wanna go on cycle in between.  I ran  600mg of just eq per week with my test with no problems on blood work. I wanna run a full blown cycle/pct. My question is how long do I need to give myself  for things to  go back to normal on my blood work. I dont wanna throw any red flags with my doc. 




Would be running short esters,Like test prop or test ace,the half lives of test prop is 3 days and acetate is a little less than 3 days.DECA/NPP i dont believe will show up on a blood test other than possibly raised prolactin levels,And RBC.There are other guys who could chime in What are your goals what were you thinking of running?




I asked the exact same question and this is a copy and paste of milkin's answer to me. That's the beauty of MG. You get to pass on the knowledge.  Pay it forward...


I taper with prop the last week of my cycle along with 200mg of cyp. Thats my cruise dosage between cycles. Now Doc want me on 100mg/week since my numbers fall within the correct range at this dosage. So two weeks before I see doc for bloods I drop it down to his dosage.





Was thinking about a 12 week cycle  want to gain some size been cutting for a while was over 320lbs 2 years ago got down to 205lbs eq put me at 220lbs 

test cyp 500 mg per week

deca 400 Mg per week

Dianabol 20 mg per week for 4 weeks

I also have arimadex for ai.  nolvadex and clomid for pct but Would I even need pct being as I'm on trt?

i only get blood work every 4 to 6 months so i would have at least a month if not more  before i get tested 




required just taper back down to cruise dose,Dbol needs to be atleast 50mg a day,you need to have prolactin control on hand IE Caber,prami

in case anything happens,Usually dbol is used for a kickstart while your waiting for the test to kick in




So basically dump nolva and clomid and up d-Bol  was going to use it first four weeks till test kicks in so is there any use for clomid /nolvadex  for me  at all. It easily accessible 
