TRT in your 20s



I wanted to make this post solely because I think it needs to exist in order to help someone who may be dealing with similar circumstances as me. Yesterday I started self administering TRT. I initially sought help from multiple doctors, but have hit brick walls every time I tried to get one to help me.

Last year I researched both sides of the coin: blast and cruise or PCT. I easily concluded that PCT was always the better option. I definitely judged the blast and cruise crowd and had a hard time seeing why they could think their way was best. I never imagined that I'd be starting TRT at 29.

There's obviously not much literature on men in their 20s starting TRT. I had to speak directly to guys who compete to find examples. And there is definitely no shortage of guys, younger than myself even, who blast and cruise.

It's obviously an intensely personal decision. It's not one I made lightly. Prior to my first cycle, I knew my test was more toward the lower end of the range. When I was 17 I shot 500mg a week of Test E for 5 weeks and then stopped. No PCT. No AI during. I didn't know was those things were. I was a bad pothead for about 10 years during this time (more than an ounce a week). I dove into heavy cocaine addiction at 22, crack at 23. I swear to God I went an entire year without sleeping more than 2 hours a night. I got clean at 24, but the damage to my hormones had been done. I did my best to maximize my natural gains. I would diet hard and the fat would never come off. I hit a ceiling on strength at 26 and my squat still isn't close to what it was when I was 17. I had my T tested at a little over 400 when I was 27, a month before I started my first cycle (not counting the 5 weeker when I was 17).

The biggest thing affecting my decision came in watching videos made my a TRT doctor on YouTube who explained that what's considered low for one person might be high for someone else and vice versa. I wish I has the bloods to ascertain this, but I believe my natural hormonal output was badly perturbed by the "cycle" I ran at 17. Prior to that cycle I was a good student/athlete with a bright future. I was being recruited by colleges to play football and I felt like I was in control of my destiny. Once I came off, I started making bad decisions, dropped out of school and started getting involved with drugs.

My experience after 3 cycles has led me to conclude that I will never go through another PCT again. To be honest, the slight loss of gains I've experienced has little to do with the decision. The quality of my life with test levels in the low 400s and under is unbearable. I am so far removed from the man I've built myself to be that neither I nor the people closest to me can recognize who I am. Anxiety, depression, lethargy, lack of motivation, lack of control over my thoughts, I'm bothered by things I would normally never allow myself to be bothered by, I bitch and moan and complain about things I would never even notice, I can't fall asleep, I can't stay asleep, I worry incessantly about money and the future and myself, I dont get excited about anything ever, I isolate myself and shut my phone off for days at a time, I think about killing myself several times a day.

I have no history of mental illness. Since I've gotten clean I have been moving my life in a positive direction and I've gone from being homeless and destitute to having a six figure salary, living on my own, supporting myself and earning the trust of my family back in five years. And now I truly believe that the natural state of my testosterone is what threatens all that I've built.

I don't really want to be on TRT at 29. But if I have to choose between pinning twice a week for life or watching the mind and body that I have worked so fucking hard to restore and rebuild completely waste away, give me the fucking syringe.

I made this decision because I believe it's the one that is going to allow me to live a life worth living. I didn't do one cycle, PCT, lose half my gains and decide that PCT wasn't for me. I think that's bullshit. I believe that TRT is going to save my life. So that's my motivation behind it. I hope that I can help someone with this. I sure know I wish I had a post like this to read a couple months ago.


Well-known member

Great share and information that needs to be conveyed. Any man, at any age, has the possible potential to have low T. Thanks Griz for sharing in an open and honest manner.

I hope others (of equal generation) who see this will jump in and share their experience and knowledge.

This ol' man will certainly read and learn from others experiences.



Mister A


I appreciate it. It was cathartic for sure. Definitely not something I was thrilled about airing out there, but I think it could benefit someone and Im looking to give back any way I can.




Thanks for sharing MrA. It happens. DT was around 25 and on trt. It happens brother, and I'd agree it was probably your first cycle too.

I also agree that if you're 400 which medically is in normal range, but your normal is 800 then you're low t, and will feel it. Keep us updated because this thread could really help others in the future. +2


Mister A


I'll update after my first lab test for sure.

I was a pretty beast of a kid. I was stronger than most of the seniors when I was a freshman in HS. I started varsity sophomore year and was a beast. I was big for my age so I know my test levels before that first "cycle" were damn healthy. That test I had was legit Mexican pharma too. I put on 40 pounds in those 5 weeks! (Most of it was water). But definitely shut me down hard and then that was it.




Thank you kind sir for sharing this is one very honest and enlightening thread that will be sure to help others . Your contributions to the MG community are always very welcomed , appreciated , and valuable to the community as a whole .



New member

sounds like a chapter outta my book but meth And opiates were my poison. I feel you bro. Best wishes brother. Hope all goes well for you!


Mister A


I played with your poisons plenty too. I'm just grateful to be removed from that and I'm not trying to go back there. We can keep moving forward together.




Mr A, you got my support ma bratha, you already know that. 

I still see that TRT and HRT have such a bad connotation to them. Me, I started TRT at 32, didnt hesitate and honestly was the only option to feel good, perform well, and live a happy life. Its not that i'm a risk taking person and dont weigh the positives and the negatives. I certainly do. So my thought process went like this: Can i monitor my treatment regularly and see if anything is going out of whack? YES. If i do my labs and get the numbers very frequently, especially starting out, would there be any risk of permanent damage? HIGHLY UNLIKELY, thats the point of FREQUENT labs, then analyzing the lab results and tweaking accordingly. Am i only benefiting myself short term at the cost of long term health ? DEFINTLY NOT, as a matter of fact alot of the new research suggests that prostate cancers,...etc are all related to elevated estrogen, and other hormones NOT like what people have long believed elevated T. So hormone balance, and OPTIMIZING hormones (not pushing them up into Supra Physiological levels) is the premium anti-aging solution for men IF their body naturally cant make that happen on it own.

I support your decision, and see it as a MAJOR step forward for you. Best of wishes and you know im here to help out any way i can.




Thanks for sharing Mr. A. You are not alone in your thoughts that u wrote in paragraph #6. You have to make the decision that is right for you. I too was a beast in High school but all fucked up in the game.  I came from a poor family and had to quit Football to go to work. I was real good too. This post is not about me so I wont go too far. You are a very smart hard working good man. Don't forget that... Please brother, Don't worry so much... I worried my life away till last year. I just don't give a fuck anymore. That doesn't mean I wont thrive, I'm just not going to worry about things. Do what you think is best for you... Be easy on yourself. No, its not easy but if you find out how to start being easier on yourself it will help you thrive. Life can be scary if you let it. Just have Faith in you my brother... Its easy for me to see a smart, good man... STAY GOLD brother....



New member

Hell yea brother. Leaving that shit far behind. We're either a dick or a pussy. And pussies convert right back to that life style. Dicks Man the fuck up and take life head on. Take charge of our lifes and better our selfs and our health and over all well being. Keep on keeping on brother! 




I can explain what is happening to you: The male endocrine system does not fully mature until the age of 25. That means that steroids can interfere with that process. To be honest, I have not seen major problems in guys who started at 23-24. However 17? As you have seen, it is very, very easy to permanently damage your HPTA at that age. I have seen many, many teenagers who end up like you.

I have an article on the subject I can post for you. We (modern science) are not sure why, but western men tend to have higher test levels when young, and lower when old. Some say it is due to the amount of plastics we use, but there is no consensus. I did not need HRT until I was much older. 400 is most definitely NOT optimal for a 29 year old.

Unfortunately, the range is 300 to 1100 and your typical doc (who is not very knowledgeable) will not risk his practice unless you are well below 300. He also does not know how SHBG impacts free test, the test your body actually uses. I just posted and article on SHBG/Masteron. I have a wonderful FP, but he is not comfortable ordering labs/writing scripts in areas he lacks knowledge in. Awesome doc who went to Yale, but does not have the expertise and is honest about it.

There are also problems with docs who ARE knowledgeable. I see a guy who is a supposed expert with many publications, but he either can't, or won't interpret my labs. I manipulated my SHBG, IGF-1, free test, total test numbers (adjusted them for optimization) and he was/is clueless. He gets pissed when patients get involved in their own recovery. He would rather be polishing his Lamborghini.

I need him to order labs and write scripts for AI's/SERMS/HCG, so I put up with his bullshit.

The bottom line is YOU MUST BECOME YOUR OWN ADVOCATE! There is no getting around this fact.  

Study material on this board. I have articles that can help, but there are lots of people smarter than me who can also help you.

Immerse your self in the literature. The medical industry is coming around, but they are still behind.






Do you have any labwork you can post?

Also, you have nothing to be ashamed of! You have made mistakes, but obviously learned from them. You are now using your BRAIN to live the best life you can possibly live! You WILL make significant contributions to this world. You ARE being smart, which is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.





HRT is very new to these docs, and they either don't understand it, or there's just not enough fact based scientific studies for them to be proficient in the matter. Luckily we have review sites with years and years of self experimentation to guide us. 




You are correct, sir. Also, many docs are realizing how lucrative this field is. There are no boards or licensing requirements to change your shingle. They are learning on the job. Around where I live people pay a set monthly fee, often more than a thousand $ a month. Or, they pay for things individually. You can get prescription Anavar for $3 a 10 mg tab. They will run your labs for $1200.

A retired baseball player (very wealthy) pays this and his doc does not understand the relationship between total test and free test. He wrote the baseball player a script for 1 Arimidex a day which drove his estro so low he could not get his dick hard.

I switched him to 1 A dex every 4th day and his estro is now low normal and his girl friend is happy.

Caveat emptor 




That was supposed to be one A Dex every 4th day, oops, brain fart sorry. I am a savant in some ways, but 80% of the time I am as dumb as a rock.

