
New member

I just did my first pin a cpl days ago and realized that i forgot to purchase an AI. However, I do have proviron that I am taking. I do realize that proviron is not an AI but from my understanding it does or can help prevent estrogen side effects. At this time I am planning on doing 150 - 200ml twice per week of test e along with the proviron. 

After reading all of that my question is this

How worried should I be of possible estrogen side effects at that low of a dose?? And what signs should I look for??

Thanks for any input...



Well-known member


Every individual is different. For most individuals estrogen levels can easily be controlled at such a mild dose of test. The proviron might be enough in your particular case. Regular monitoring and blood work will be the only way to be certain.

Sides will be water retention, gyno, mood swings, etc. I recommend doing some research on possible sides.

Despite supplementing with proviron I would highly recommending having an AI on hand.




New member


I just started TRT. Im not looking for any massive gains Im just trying to combat the sides associated with low T which I do exhibit - mood swings, lack of motivation, poor sleep patterns, low libido etc. etc



New member


Thanks for the feedback. I did get bloodwork done prior to my first pin and should be getting the results no later then Tue. I have no doubt in my mind that I suffer from low T as I do exhibit many of the symptoms. As far as future bloodwork goes I will be getting that done also. At this point in time Im shooting for T in the 1300 - 1500 range and Im pretty confident that what Im pinning with now is a good place to start. 

As far as my AI goes Im definitely kicking myself right now for forgetting to order that especially since every site I have looked at seems to require a 200 - 250 minimum order. Live and learn I guess. I definitely wont make that mistake again...




Shit.... I wished I had every a.I. I forgot. Talk to srcs and members.... I'm sure you will find help on that issue....

I only accept friend request on Saturday.



Well-known member

Your just doing TEST, and you doing a TRT dose I wouldnt worry not having an AI. 

proviron will be just fin in your case, i would get tested to see where your estrogen levels are, just to make sure. 

However, you only taken between 150 - 200ml twice per week -- so at max 400mg.. 

With Proviron ability to block estrogen and its strong binding affinity to Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (SHBG) binding with SHBG will enhance the amount of circulating free testosterone. In short it will increase the amount of free testosterone than bound state. A simple way you cycle become more potent. And because it is in a free state the is less test become bonded which helps with the increase of estrogen. 

Yes proviron is not in the same category as Aromasin or Arimdex.  However, the cycle your talking about and the other benefits with Proviron you will be just find with Proviron. (But you cant go wrong with having a stronger AI on hand just to in-case)


I would be making sure you taking between 50mg-75mg ED




Well-known member

I would recommend making sure you have your cholesterol in check BEFORE taking proviron on a regular basis. You also might want to consider having it checked during use as well.

Health is the number one priority.




Well-known member

Correct. However, with proper diet it shouldn't be a problem. 


Adding things like oatmeal, even a little red wine. 


Omega-3--supplements " According to research from Loma Linda University, replacing saturated fats with omega-3s like those found in salmon, sardines, and herring can raise good cholesterol as much as 4%. "


COCO powder in a study "cocoa powder had a 24% increase in HDL levels over 12 weeks, " published in AJCN




Well-known member

"However, with proper diet it shouldn't be a problem."

In most cases I can agree with you with one exception- Heredity factors play a huge role in each individual cholesterol levels and even with a "proper" diet cholesterol can be difficult to control for some individuals because of the predisposition for high cholesterol.

I believe I have an exceptional "proper" diet and even with high quality supplementation I have difficulty keeping my cholesterol levels just at borderline. Genetics is a good and bad thing all wrapped up in a nice pretty package. ;)

Good advice Zewi. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience. Concerning cocoa- The quality is important as the cocoa bean can lose many of its antioxidants (HDL improvement properties) during processing. 




Well-known member


You want to know your estradiol levels. I recommend an E2 sensitive assay on your next blood test. It is a balancing act and you need to find the correct amount of control to keep your estrogen at healthy levels. It's all a learning process and I am certain you will get yourself dialed in quickly with the proper information.





Getting your e2 levels checked us just as important as your total and free t levels. Keeping e2 under 80 is important. The most ideal range for e2 is 28 to 50, but anything under 80 you can get by with. 80 and over you need to get it under control. However most guys have no problems with e2 while on a trt dose unless your estro sensitive, but you're wanting yo keep your levels above normal range. 1100 being the upper limit of normal.




Semper always on point with the most rational of advice.. 



New member

If I could give karma points out I would.

Thanks for all of the great advice. I'll defenitely get more bloodwork done around the 5-6 week mark, maybe even sooner. 

Dolf - thanks for giving me the nembers to look for regarding e2

Zewi - thanks for giving me examples of foods that are high in omega-3. I have already added salmon to my diet and will do more research and add other items as well

SemperFi - thanks for the advice regarding good/bad cholesterol. I'm pretty confident with a good diet I should have no issues as both my good and bad have always been in check. But regardless of that I will definitely keep an I on it.

And just so I have easy access if someone could send me a message with a list of exactly what to get in my next blood test it would be much appreciated :)

