Trwn enanthate and test enanthate cycle


New member
Hi I'm on a cycle of 600 mg test enanthate and about 400 mg of tren enanthate .
I work out hard but my diet isn't the greatest so I got a muscular body but a bit of a gut.
If I do 4 or 5 days of intense cardio like competitive basketball but still hit the weights and eat high protein will this be a bad idea for such a cycle?


New member
And eill high cardio and weights make up for a little bit of junk food?
Also I heard steroids such as these usually help u lose fat from unwanted places. Is thus possibly true?

Thanks in advance


Well-known member
I know you have heard this before but diet and nutrition are so key to this. But if you got to have the junk food you will just have to do the cycle and adjust the cardio to get the results you're looking for. Good luck.


New member
Hey I'm a little slow so please don't mind me. I just want to know that if I do enough cardio to approximately burn the cookie or whatever doesn't ensnthate help burn fat especially from unwanted areas?


Well-known member
Yes to some degree, normally in a weight loss or cutting cycle most use tren a instead of tren e. Tren a plus anavar or tren a plus winstrol. Give better cutting results. No water retention in the tren a cycles.


New member
Yes to some degree, normally in a weight loss or cutting cycle most use tren a instead of tren e. Tren a plus anavar or tren a plus winstrol. Give better cutting results. No water retention in the tren a cycles.
Ya appreciate it man


Well-known member
yeah, Tren helps to burn fat for sure, but as long as the diet isn't great, you won't see the abs coming.
you do seem to workout enough + cardio which is great, tren may help burn that fat when you workout, but it depends on the calories you eat vs the calorie you burn. again, tren helps burn more calories, but as long as they surpass the calories you burn - the abs won't come.
Your cycle of 600 mg Test and 400 mg Tren is good enough as long as you don't get sides, but try to fix the diet