Ultimate Liver Care


New member

I have seen several posts regarding what works and what doesnt in regards to liver health/care. In my opinion, the most important is adequate amounts of water, now as far as a supplement, my top choice is Essentiale Forte, then Liv52 if Essentiale Forte was outta reach at the moment. I take it year round, even when I am not on orals, personally I am not a big fan of oral steroids, the health risk outweigh the instant gains for me, that you end up losing anyways AS SOON as you discontinue the orals. Sure, they're great to kickstart a cycle, but aside from Anavar, I do not take orals anymore. I have in the past for a short duration then realized it just wasnt for me. Now dont get me wrong orals are pretty much a MUST for competitors, but if you dont compete, in my opinion, injectables are a way to go, but then again there are people out there afraid of needles, but want to do steroids so they jump on Dbol and Anadrol their first cycle, which in most cases, does not end well.




Good thoughts Diesel458. Lots of people feel they need to include orals but you are right, the trade off is far from equal.  Now I sure dont want to call the kettle black since I do use tbol and, if my bf allows me, var. Thise days of pounding headaches from dbol and abombs are long gone. IMO, nothing kicks off a  ycle like good ole prop, tne, or suspension :)



New member

Good post and I think a lot would agree..I do! If you feel you can get away with not using then don't. IMO most compers won't be thinking of kick start but more in regard to pre comp as I do, this when everyday really counts and there is very little choice not to use, also the amount of different orals that are needed are quite a few. The liver can take a lot 'abuse' however it's best practise and I think a must to take a little heat off it with some care. My personal choice is Milk Thisle and very high doses with this and water your pee will go back to being clear and you will have no or at least very little back ache.



New member

As I'm a female I only ever done Orals and in a pretty high dosages... I had liver test after every cycle as my cycles are long(8-13weeks). My liver is fine. All tests normal. What I do is a pay a lot of attention to simple things:

1) no alcohol!

2) eat lots of greens daily

3) fish oil or just fish 

4) eggs

5) ALA
