Wake Up Call


New member

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This is HARD WORK and that applies at every level. So many are trying to accomplish something but have no idea what they are asking from themselves. They are clueless what it takes to look a certain way or squat a certain amount. 

Steroids do not make what you are trying to accomplish easier. Just the opposite. With steroid use comes added responsibilities and added stress. You have to work even harder to make their use beneficial and maximize their results. You have to take extra steps to ensure your health. If you can't do it naturally there is no way you are going to be able to do it with steroid use. If you can't get to the gym when life has you down naturally you are not going to get to the gym on steroids. If you can not eat a clean diet off of steroids you are not going to be able to do it on steroids. If you cannot burn unwanted body fat naturally you will not be able to do it with the use of steroids.

Be real with yourself and don't have false expectations or misconceptions about anything.




: )

I thank God for my Genes every day but I will take credit on the hard work and commitment... We are a breed all by ourselves... I love it....



New member

I am also blessed with excellent genetics on both sides. Wide shoulders and very narrow waist. Short tendons and long muscle bellies.

But I will take credit for the hard work! lol
