What do you say?


New member

So yesterday at work a guy says "what are you on?" Haha then he says you're getting jacked. I was like oh I cleaned up my diet and just been real strict. Which is true haha. What do you say to this? I'm only in my 5th week of cycle. 



Well-known member

I would just say, "If I told you then it would no longer be a secret."

And if you look better than they do say, "It's not for you. Takes too much hard work and discipline for the average guy."





If people ask me what I'm on. I say " Tons of clean food and tons of weed" Ive been saying that for a year. People don't know what to say to that....




One of the ladies I'm competing against on the 26th commented tonight at the gym when we were posing that maybe she should get on steroids. I said Eeww, who does that! Rotflmao 



New member

None of their business and I tell them bourbon and beef jerky plus McDonalds dollar menu (that is the secret)....they'll walk away scratching their heads.  Seriously, I have this question asked to me regularly, but I always just say, which is partially true, that genetics plays a big part of appearance and I have to say even without AAS at least until I turned 48- 50, most folks thought I was on the juice, so I guess I wasn't lying. But once you hit the wall.....you gotta come over to the dark side....


Mister A


When youre bulking: "This body was built by Anadrol and cheeseburgers."

When you're cutting: "Kickboxing. 3 nights a week."

When you blow up real fast: "My male contraceptive is making me bloated."

When you're more vascular: "Hypertension caused by stress from people asking me about my diet."



New member

A new chemical recently discovered in Afghanistan.  Harvested from the mountain caves deep within the limestone.  Referred to as GCP-1650S.  It is thought to derive from the plasma of Thor (yes, the god of Thunder).  Scientists believe GCP-1650S has the ability to transform humans into godlike creatures, halt aging, and improve strength, physique, desire, and overall kick assery.


I try to answer with as much sarcasm as I can




New member

I've answered with camel sperm before, they laughed, I smiled, they said seriously what you take, I said once again "camel sperm, I tell everyone, nobody listens or tries it so they don't know, just gotta get past the fact your drinking sperm and the gains come" they looked at me weirdly and said, "I would try the deer antler velvet spray everyone was talking about but you can keep the cum" lol
