What do you think?


New member

I've ran quite a bit of cycles and awhile back I ran this cycle and was looking to run again.

Test Prop - 500mg/week

Arimidex - if needed

Clenbuterol - 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.  Take for fist 8 weeks.

Then for PCT I was going to slowly wean myself off the test.  

I was given the wean myself off the test advice years ago and it seemed to work for me, not sure how you guys feel about that.  And the Clenbuterol cycle of 2 weeks on 2 weeks off was just something I read off another forum, some guy swore by it.  Glad I found this site, get some great input.  I'll take all the advice and criticism you guys have.  Thanks guys!





You say you ran this before correct , well you tell me. , how was that cycle for you?  dig into your log. and what was your goal ?  what was your outcome ? so the question falls back to you my friend.  were the results worth the outcome ??? 

and welcome if you didnt make a into i suggest please do#




Well-known member

X2 with Sieg. The cycle needs to be designed in support of your goal(s). I will say that it is a responsible cycle but I have one question....

Why are you including clen? I am assuming you are looking to drop body fat. If my assumation is correct knowing your stats (weight, height, BF%) would be helpful.

Merry Christmas.





New member

Yeah I'd like to drop a little body fat.  I'm 225lbs, 6'1" and body fat is around 20% I think.  I need to go get all my measurements done before I do this again.

SemperFi and Siegmund, whats a typical cycle for you 2?



New member

SemperFi you described it to a T lol right now I'm gearing up to start working out again and eating healthy.  You're right, I need to start training and eating healthy before I start any cycle.  thanks for the fee back.



Well-known member

You are very welcome. Reread my above post because I edited it and added something that I hope inspires you. ;)

Merry Christmas.





Well-known member

If you have several steroid cycles under your belt and you are at 20% body fat then you might be relying to heavily on steroids to do something that they are not designed to do. You current BF% mightt be telling you that you could have some issue with proper diet, training consistency and improper method. Steroids can't help you fix these things. Getting everything you control in order before using steroids again would reap huge rewards.

Do you think I may have described your current situation correctly? 

EDIT- If your stats are correct your fat free mass index score is 23.47. Which tells me you have excellent and boderline superior muscle tissue. You could easily drop that body fat down without the use of steroids. Once you drop 10-12lbs of pure fat you could hit a cycle hard and make excellent strides if everything else is in check.

I no longer use steroids beyond Testosterone Replacement Therapy.






i also#x2 with semp , if the use of clen is to loose bf.  , like semp said i would , diet and hit my cardio , and get to that bf you desire , and like i said if this worked for you before.  , id run with it agion. get bf down with natty and great diet.  ,

i say then you dont need the clen. , and diet and training will dictate. outcome.  ...set a goal my friend and meet that goal take no shorts.  HIT YOUR GOAL 

MERRY XMAS.    and i look forward to your diet , and prep#traing log to hit your designed starting point then kill it my friend.   like i said. you have alot of support here , and with posting a log vets and newmembers ,alike will see your progress , it helps us all learn and grow.  any help along the way. the boys are here to guide to fiii, luck. and look forward to seeing you tra sfformation.   kill it my friend.   #




You could drop that weight in 12-15 weeks if your diet is super tight and your training is on point. A god way to get ready for a future cycle too. You'll get good habit established and maybe even develop those habits into a routine :)

Kick the fat, and you're off to the races brother!

(SF. I like this FFM way of looking at things. Taking it up a notch once again!)




Clen is ran 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off because your body builds a tolerance to it. The first two weeks you should ramp it up every few days. I typically start at 40mcg and up it 20mcg every few days. Do not exceed 140mcg! I dont exceed 120mcg. At 100mcg I start to get sides such as painful pumps in my upper back and traps. Taurine will help ease those sides, and make sure you drink lots and lots of water. While running tren or clen you'll never catch me without a bottle of water in my hand. Many people also use an ECA cut stack furing the 2 week off period or they run T3 side by side with clen so you're still burning fat at an amplified rate.

Remember Clen is just an aid. It's not a magic pill. You must accompany it with a good diet and smple cardio.
