What has AAS use done for you?



We all have our backgrounds & stories. Many are similar & some are different, but we’ve all found ourselves with one thing in common....AAS.

What was your reasoning behind turning to AAS use & what has it done for you?

I’ve was always in good shape growing up & active in sports. I played baseball, football & lived & breathed wrestling. In high school many of my friends was hitting dbol & benching way more than me, but I never thought twice about steroids. I was having too much fun without them. I studied & researched steroids & it wasn’t worth to me. I even did my senior thesis on steroid abuse. I spent time in my beloved Marine Corps & again steroids were all around me, but never was I tempted. I wasn’t huge like some of my homies & I wasn’t throwing the weight that they were, but I was content with who I was & what I was doing. I was injured in the Corps & sent home with a medical discharge to have a surgery at the VA hospital. I hit a rough patch In life during this time. I had hoped to retire from the Corps & now I seemingly had nothing going for me & to top it off I was in a cast from my hip to my toes for a solid year. My drinking worsened & my intake of pain pills increased till I was snorting them. I will spare you the whole story, but I spent too many years this way. Finally I reached an all time low for the hundredth time, I decided to get clean. The moment I stopped the drugs & drinking I started putting on weight fast & all I was doing was eating normal. I guess my body wasn’t use to it. I got up to over 250 lbs & had a nice pie ponch to show for it. It hit me that now I was putting my body through a different type of abuse & decided to hit the gym again. I got down to 207lbs & was looking better than I had in years, but felt like crap. I had a friend introduce me to test & I felt like Superman. I made some mistakes, but found guidance & started researching before things were too bad. Since I’ve started AAS use responsibly, I feel it’s saved my life in many ways. I love working out & making gains, but most of all I appreciate the years I’ve added back to my life from living healthy. AAS has helped me reach goals & live healthier than I otherwise could have & especially since 40! I don’t plan to do many more cycles & I will never compete, but I plan to enjoy where I’m at now. My plan is a few long Test, Primo, Provi & Var cycles & see where I go. Thanks to everyone that has helped & guided me through pm or through me reading all your wisdom in posts!! 





Aas has been a rather interesting addition to my life. First off, it brought me here, which in and of itself, you folks have inspired me in many ways from training and diet to being a better person. 

Being an older person with a past riddled with addiction and bad, if not destructive habits, my test levels were likely quite low; most of the symptoms were there, you know, low libido, low energy, depression, shit like that. No longer do I exist in that realm of darkness.

AAS coupled with an incredible community, ive kept on track with training, diet, right living. Ive entered into a very creative space, which has been a nice change. I have become very interested in damn near all aspects of this lifestyle, from food to molecules, to attitude.

My head is much clearer, and I have greater focus, needless to say a zest for life. At this point, I can't even recall what a buzz from alcohol feels like, Ive helped a friend get off speed, and I feel much more compassion for those who suffer. Don't even know what road rage is as Ive experienced quite the opposite. But, I need to emphasize that it is not due to solely AAS, this exeperience is in greater part a result from being a member here.  Sure, it was AAS that seemingly started or inspired this journey, however, it is really intricacies of the past, insight and support that played the bigger part. I mean, aas is a souped up car, but it's the driver and the support team that truly results in a good race.




Trt was a great addition to my life because it boosted my energy, libido, mental clarity, and enabled me to feel normal once again.

Cycling has enabled me to reach and achieve goals that were beyond reach naturally. Setting out to accomplish something and then actually doing it is a great feeling. Achieving those goals enabled me to set the bar even higher and reach for those stars. In my mid to late 30's those goals were to see how strong I could get. Now in my 40's those goals are to see how fit and how good of a physique I can attain. My main goal these days is to not get hurt doing what I love which is training, so that I'm able to co.e back the next day and do what I love again. 


Big Nasty

New member

AAS was a life changer for me as well. I jacked myself up in my early years with heavy drug use and alcohol. Experimented heavily with every drug out there except any that required a needle... go figure, I use needles for the rest of my life now on a weekly basis and love it!! Wish I would have built my base in my early 20's but I chose to party like an animal. So I was a late bloomer. Finally got serious in my 30's and reached a plateau in my strength and mass gains. Honestly always wanted to try steroids in my 30's but didnt know anyone in my community to get them from nor did I trust anyone if they had it. Finally got on here an other sites did a lot of research and here I am today with the same goals and aspirations as many on here. Same benefits that have already been mentioned with TRT and cycling. Its become a true obsession that has and is a positive life changer. 




Has improved my life multiple ways. I began use to assist with trimming fat. Graduated from that to improving joint pain. NPP helped tremendously. 5 years ago I couldn't take shirts off overhead, get out of the tub on my own, and some days I needed to be assisted out of the bed. Getting started with moving first thing in the morning was the pits. I could barely side lateral raise the 2.5lb plates. Now I can raise 15-20lbs without help. 

It's also given me an overall sense of calm...no antidepressants in over 2 years. Tbh, the need for them reduced when I began to run injectables, namely, test. 

I was prediabetic... having HgbA1C checked every 3months. As of October, I will not have to have that checked for 6 months.

Positive lifestyle changes have come about on my journey...




It has helped me in a number of areas.

In my late 40's I had a HIGH stress level and a number of my businesses were failing. I choose to shut the bad ones down and to cut the stress and fear, about the same time I started feeling old. I was weighing 285 blah blah blah.

So I went on a diet and lost 70lbs.  I started feeling good and after a year and a half I decided to start lifting again.

My energy was weak, I struggled to lose more weight and struggled to add muscle. Also low sex drive etc....

An employee used steroids so I talked to him and decided to give it a shot.

Told my wife six months ago, I will never stop!  I feel like I am 22 years old again. Huge energy, positive attitude. Lost another 30 lbs - 20more to go. Have added a lot of muscle. Never have looked or felt better. AAS gives me strength and energy to take to the gym and into work and a sex life that belongs to a much younger man (but I am glad it doesn't).

NOW the main value to me is business. Looking good gives me confidence AND more importantly it impresses people and helps me with deals. In the last year I have slightly more than doubled my income - an additional full 'zero'! A HUGE increase and I should more than double again next year. Believe it or not that is largely due to AAS! I could go into more detail but I have probably rolled on for too long already.

So in a nut shell: AAS has given me better looks, much better health and much greater wealth.
