What is Proviron


Well-known member

What is so special about Proviron?

Lets first Understand SHBG(the sex-hormone-binding-globulin): SHBG is aprotein that binds tightly to the hormonestestosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and estradiol (estrogen ). It serves as a transport carrier, shuttling estrogen and testosterone to sex hormone receptorsthroughout your body.

Since SHBG binds to and temporarily prevents anabolic/androgenic steroids from activating their receptors. The higher the percentage of unbound steroid in the blood, the more active the steroid is going to be in the body. Given that Proviron binds to SHBG so strongly, perhaps more strongly that any commercial steroid known, it may displace other steroids that also like to bind this protein. With Proviron beating the other molecules to the seat, so to speak, it is forcing a greater percentage to remain in a free (active) state.

Proviron: Is a DHT derivative, which means it does not convert to estrogen. However, it does have estrogen blocking capabilities.

Provrion reduces the aromatization of testosterone.(Slows the process of Test converting to Estro) Which will allow there to be more free test.  Proviron also helps keep estrogen levels under control, which means, it can help with your AI, or if it is not that heavy a cycle like a test only cycle, it could be used as your AI and you get the extra benefits of Proviron.

Because Provrion acts as an anti-aromatase in the body, preventing and slowing the conversion of test into estrogen that not only includes your cycle, BUT YOUR VERY OWN TEST that you make. This is why Proviron can be used as a bridge between cycles, or in a PCT. Provrion is the only compound that can be used by itself. And get the benefits of more floating test and a small estogen blocker.



O and one last thing Proviron increases your Libido :) another great reason you can run this between cycles or during PCT  + get all the extras above :)...




Nice post my friend proviron makes me a pornstar ( in my own mind )   I may need to add that to my trt regimen. Is there a limit to   Length you can use it. Or side effects for long term use. Or cycling it best protocol



New member

What happens to the estrogen that fails to bind to SHBG that proviron takes?  Test turns into free test, but what about the "free" estrogen?  Does it float around until it is discarded?  If you stop proviron, will this estrogen find that SHBG, bind and be transported where it wants to go....causing a kind of rebound effect?  Does unbound estrogen have any effect, or any negative effects?  I like proviron myself, and am currently on it...was just curious about u nbound estro that cant bind to the SHBG.



Well-known member

Not really you can almost run it all year round but just like anything a small 4 week off 8 weeks on with Nolvadex like 5-10mg and your good...proviron can be ran from low 25mg to high 50mg ED.. most take 50mg 75mg seems to be the sweet spot for most. But it is all up too you... you could run 25mg ED for every.. when you get high there a prostate issues that could accur.. hence the small break window at times..



Well-known member

Proviron also binds to estrogen and kills it.. if you are running Proviron by its self it's always nice to run a little Nolvadex like 5-10mg, or Clomid.. I like Nolvdex better because it blocks estor in more places and helps with LH in the testis...



Well-known member

Nolvadex blocks estrogen better than proviron.. also Nolvadex gives you thay increase in LH more LH more test your testis can make.. so 5mg Nolvadex 50mg-75mg proviron 



Well-known member

Yes, more floating test, lean you up libido even more and it's your AI with trt... and the befits of SHGB.. it's a win on TRT if your on TRT you shpuld be running Proviron 50-75mg ed you can be cheap and still get some good effects at 25mg..



New member

I have always read that Proviron is the most effective with low doses of test.  Since it frees up so much Test it makes you feel somewhat like youre on a larger dose.  Just what I had read during my research...no first hand exp.




+1 Zewi...Just keep an eye on your bp with proviron. It can cause elevated bp. Also since proviron is an antidepressant it can make some people feel like shit with a sudden stop in usage, so tapering off is good too.



New member

+1 Zewi.  This is some GREAT info.  I knew the basics of Prov but this laid it out pretty good.  Question Zewi, what's the comparison with Mast P?  If I need to start another thread, I will if the mods think I'm hijacking.



New member

Love this thread! Provi is something I have yet to mess with. Thanks for posting and thanks to everyone for asking questions making it even more informative.  Time to had out some +1s 
