What is Proviron


Well-known member

"what's the comparison with Mast P" :

They are both dihydrotestosterone (DHT), however, Mast p or E (Masterone) it is stronger than Proviron when it comes to block estrogen in the body, that is why women and men will be subscribed Mast if they have breast cancer. Another benefit is Mast does help control fat gain, and fat loss.(No that doesn’t mean you are 23% fat and you should take it that’s not what you do) What is really special about Mast if taking correctly it can act as your AI during a cycle. It has an effect at hardening your muscles, like proviron again just better however, your body % is 12% or lower awesome to use, waste if you have more, because your just flushing money in your body(use provrion if you not 12% or lower)  Its why most use mast during cut cycles. Also like I said above about SHGB and Provrion, Mast has the same affect just better.

That’s some of the good. However, un-like Proviron, Mast will shut you down and you cannot take it by itself—like you can with Proviron. Also Mast can have significant effects on cholesterol, both on the LDL and the HDL.(so you need to watch that when on cycle)

O and a little secret to those that USE TREN,  if you add Mast to your tren cycle you can lower your tren dose and get the same affect

Mast should be ran to that 400-600mg a week range.. A basic cut cycle, for the summer(if you have low BF%)

1-8 Test P @ 100mg EOD (can even be 75mg)

1-8 Mast P @ 150mg EOD

3-8 Anavar @ 75MG ED

If you BF% is a little high, you can do this(improve your diet drop carbs as low as you can handle)

1-8 Test P @ 100mg EOD (can even be 75mg)

1-8 Proviron 50-75MG ED 

3-8 Anavar @ 75MG ED




Agree with you ma is on for low body fat people I tried it this year and It did harden me up some but not enough to justify ( I have a higher body fat ) !! +1 great post hope to see more in the future 



New member

great point man. That is one of the most important things about prov right there, we don't want that getting lost in translation.



New member

WTF I just read this and the new " auto correct " system on the home computer makes me look like a retard.



New member

Id like to add a few important things here . I have always been a big fan of provi, its in every cycle I ever run and also in my emergency stash buried away in the zombie shelter:)

  1st off Proviron should NOT BE RUN BETWEEN CYCYLES if you fully recovered by pct.  Sure if you just cruise thats fine ,but for guys still letting their endocrine system recover stay away, its a really really bad idea to run proviron. Taking proviron alone after a pct can wreck your recovery putting you back in shut down, It can actually boost your natural test to a point where your body see's the need to shut down again.

 2nd and this is probably more important that all that gobeldeegook uo there ,  Proviron acts a a "feel good " drug. Its an anti depresant and you can get stuck on it,  Some guys get off provirin just fine, but many many do not. The best way to end your run with provi is it to taper down after your done. A lot of guys experience a hard emotional crash when the provi stops, the only way to avoid that is to taper down your dose , either by reducing the daily intake, or changing the dose to EOD instead of ED .

   As long as you know whats going on in your body that's the important thing, because many a guy who was unaware of provirons ability has then started chasing other things like estro .
