What is your current TRT protocol?


Well-known member

What is your current TRT protocol?

I have been TRT 5+ years. Recently I added several additions to the replacement testosterone for therapeutic reasons.

TestC - 180mg/wk, Deca - 50mg/wk, Primo - 100mg/wk, Adex - .5mg E3D and HCG - 500iu/wk

Look forward to hearing what others are doing. I know this has been shared in the forum in the past but with the new addition of the TRT forum section I thought I would renew the subject.







I'm doing nearly same stack as SF:

TEST E: 150/week

DECA: 50/week

PRIMO E: 100/week

ADEX: as needed

Diet is at a deficit, sometimes hitting maintenance

at P:300-350, C: 250-300, F: 70



New member

  • Test Cyp - 200mg a week split into 2 injections.

  • Anastrazole - 2.0mg a week split into 4 times a week (two days after each T shot)

  • HCG - 800 iu a week split into 4 times a week (two days before each T shot)

  • DHEA 50mg 3 times a week

  • Pregnonalone 100mg daily

  • CJC 1295 / Ipamorelin - 1000 iu split 5 times a week.





I've only ever run test c, but I'm considering addjng a maintenance dose of deca, and possibly primo.



New member

Guys, what are your considerations for both Deca and Primo? I read that Primo has a slight anabolic effect at low dosages, but has an overall quality lean mass gain if taken steadily over time (and diet conforms), and also comes with some benefits to the immune system. Any reasons other than that? How about the Deca?




My last two trt/cruise periods i ran only test e. This time as noted above, i ran deca and primo ar 100mg each per week. What i found is that after losing some water weight post cycle, my strength and muscle hardness never really diminished and my scale weight has stayed steady at 210 for the last 12+ weeks. I will have to attribute this experience to the added deca and primo. Furthermore, i had no issues with my  right shoulder, which in the past would give me some issues when doing most pressing exercises, and incline hammer curls. No issue whatsoever. Was it the deca? Most likely. Did not experience any [noticeable] prolactin side effects. Instead, my libido was much higher than on a test only cruise, although ill admit that the test e i am running is over dosed, so since i had blood work, i have decreased the dose of test e to 100mg/week from 200mg/week. 



Well-known member

Primo for the reasons you describe and deca for joint lubrication and/or relief. One of the more overlooked aspects of primo is it superior ability to retain lean muscle mass in a calorie deficit. ;)






muscle preservation, by the preponderance of the evidence, holds true. I have been running a deficit diet by 400+ calories throughout (some fridge raids at night did occur however)




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New member

Keeping it simple for now taking what is supposed to be 50mg twice a week but hard to tell with UGL.  I will get some Adex next time I place an order



Well-known member

What are you currently using for an AI? 

Simple is good and most will find that Test is all they will ever want or need.





New member

After I got my bloods back and found my T and e2 was much higher than I thought.  I lowered my dose Test C and have been opening a capsule that is a UGL PCT combo of 20mg Nolva, .5 Armidex and 25mg of Proviron.   I've been pouring out 1/3 of the capsule and taking it every two or 3 days.  It might not be enough to do anything but combined with the lower dose of test my acne is clearing up so I'm assuming my estrogen is lower. 

  I reached out to my current Dr. to connect me with a endo for help with my thyroid and with any luck help me manage my TRT



Well-known member

Proviron? In a PCT tab.... weird.... proviron is suppressive. Never heard of using adex for PCT either.

Just FYI- Don't use those caps for PCT if you decide to come off TRT. You know that already. ;) 

Keep us in the know Metalhead. Good luck brother!





New member

Yeah I read that proviron was suppressive but I also read its only at higher doses.  Either way I'll just use it like I'm instead of tossing it in the trash.  I'm enjoying the very slow steady gains after years of stagnation.   Thanks SF   




I think I know who you got those caps from. I found it weird to that Provi was in a PCT capsule. It suppresses Test. I've read many that do it to keep their libido up. I don't recommend that at all... Just the standard Nolva and Clomid has been all I need.



Well-known member

If it ain't broke why try and fix it.

“What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.” -Sun Tzu



Big Nasty

New member

SF, I like your TRT protocol but I have one question I need educated on. Being that you are on TRT, what is the purpose of HCG? Do you plan to go off TRT at some point? Does HCG have some benefits with a TRT protocol? 



Well-known member

Its all ego BN. I like a full package and dumping an entire load. I can't come off TRT... my natty is 120ng/dL due to chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Testes size and semen volume is the benefits of HCG. Fertility would be part of it also but that is not an issue in my house. I am having a hard enough time keeping up with 6 grandchildren. ;)





See the way I look at it is...smaller nuts make my dick look bigger! I'm all dick baby! : ) 

It's like a David Copperfield optical illusion lol
