What keeps you motivated?


New member
Keeping up the habit of working out every day is tough for most of us. What are some ways you keep yourself motivated to hit the gym on your off-days?


New member
by knowing that I want to look a certain way, and knowing that just thinking about it won't cut it.

I also have a gym at work 20ft from my office, good way to pass the time!


New member
I keep motivated to keep on because I have an obsession with looking in the mirror and I'm never satisfied. A gym and coach full of freaks motivates me as well.


New member
Personally speaking, my motivation is constantly having to run after my 3 young children! LOL I don't know what I would do if I couldn't keep up with them!! Not only am I doing this for myself, but for my family as well. I plan on sticking around for a very long time!


New member
Excellent reasons to push and keep fit. Good job bros!
Though my motivation has been gone these past few weeks, it is usually just an overall feeling of laziness. I do not enjoy sitting around doing nothing all day and working out is an excellent and proactive alternative.


New member
Come on CrazyMonkey! Get up and do 30 jumpin jax, then 25 squats with just bodyweight and 20 pushups. Great pump! Youtube has all the great vids as well. You the man dog! Get big and ripped now. It will be to hard when your old.


New member
I actually tried one of the bodyweight circuits they have there a few years ago. The first few were ridiculously easy (i'm guessing they were targeted at pure beginners) but some of them really caught me off guard at how much of a work out it became come the end.


structure and routine keeps everything in my life in check most of the time, i like the discipline, i like feeling in shape and being able to perform aswell, its not all about asthetics or strength for me, but a nice combination of the two, no use looking good if your not healthy long-term....


New member
I keep motivated because I want to compete on the national level. I'm never satisfied so I keep pushing. I wanna see just how far in BB I can go to and be competitive.


My dad used to say one phrase all the time: Quitters never win, winners never quit!!! that phrase motivates me in any spheres of my life!!! It is just in my head!


New member

Dave Draper's weekly newsletter always gets me pumped. He is so full of knowledge and his blogs are hilarious to read.

That and watching powerlifting videos on youtube Tongue Out


EDIT: In case anyone is interested here is an archive of Dave's column: http://www.davedraper.com/dave-draper-columns.html


Johnny T

New member

On my off days I do nothing unless I have missed some days during my period of training during the week. I try to keep motivated by looking at my body and seeing what I have accomplished and what areas could use more work. I also use bodybuilding as a way for me to feel good every day. I workout in the morning knowing that if I can get through my workout, the rest of he day should be easy, Now in my job this isnt always the case but it certainly helps me to get through the day. Fitness is my religion.


Semper Fi

New member

I do it because I like the "Serotonin Rush" - Keeps my moods stable.  Wierd part is I am now working out even harder during PCT!  




New member

for me, working out has been a lifestyle change going from an almost obest 240lbs to now at current 181lbs this was about 5-6 years ago.  been working out religously for about 4 1/2 years now .  the weird thing is , i never knew that i would be obbsessed with working out as i am now.  granted, my first year was pretty much all weight loss, yes i lifted weights from the begning, but i worked my ass off.  had a personal trainer from the beginning for a good 6 months, to pickup the routines and what nots.  ate super clean for 6 months straight.  year 2 was probably where the physique started to develop.  once i hit year 3 , i moved to the west coast , but most importantly all i ever wanted from my fat loss/workouts was to have abs. that was it in the begining, northing more!  so at year 3 , while out on the west coast i started a cuthroat hard cut diet and 5 weeks later?  i nearly shit myself at all the definition that i had.  once that happened, something changed, in my brain.  i went from working out for health, weight control, strength, and some growth, to a damn near OCD of obsession with the gym lifestlye.  and during that year 3 i was told to start bulking.  so i did, and i bulked naturally to 180. just any FYI when i was fucking cut/ripped, i was at 159lbs solid.  so anyways, i went to 180 naturally , then came the juice.  and i blew the fuck up!  and i loved it!  first ccycle, went from 180-205 in 12 weeks.  cut down to about 176 or somehting.  second cycle went fron about 175ish to 215 , and just cruised "not juicing" but just cruising at around 205-210 for a while.  came back from vacation and jumped on my 3rd cycle to where i went from 210/215 down to 200.  i noticed that i was no where near as fat/bloated looking as i was at 210/215 at the end of my 2nd cycle.  as i was at the end of my 3rd cycle, which also was the introduction of tren ace.  long story short.  even though i have been dieting again now, my goal as of now, currently is to just get so fucking shredded that i can take a picture and just smear that shit right into somebody's mouth and laugh right back at them, not only because they were talking shit before, but also , because i have gained an enormous ammount of strength for smeone of my size.  i might be currently 181, 6ft 1, but don't let that lean-ness fool you.  because believe me, i got big mutherfuckers at the gym looking at me , when i have no problems french curling 100lb bars, while the other "big blokes" way bigger than me, seem to only handle 70's.  and this is even off the juice, so long story short.  my ultimate goal really, is to become a better me, the best i can be, outside and inside.  i want to be a jaw dropper for the ladies and at the same token, stay shredded pretty much all year long and not have to worry about bulking anymore. if i can grow naturally to 200 7-8% i will be very happy.  so hopefully year 2014 will be more amazing than 2013 has been. :)




waw nice story :) wish you succes! Hope 2014 will be more amazing for you " especially if you will join us" :)

keep up the hard work +3




competiton and a desire to always get better is enough for me. with that said tho everyone has days where we are not motivated.

Thats where willpower and dedication comes into play.
