what up


New member

Hey. New to the site and thought I'd introduce myself. I've visited a lot but haven't signed up or posted til now. I hope to learn a lot from you all.




Welcome.... Don't be edgy to post we welcome any and all info.




http://musclegurus.to/rules-and-guidelines The rules and guidelines are found there. Often times we simply overlook small things like covering faces. It seems as though it would be difficult to build relationships within a setting such as this due to the need for anonymity, privacy and security.  But you will find that it is quite the opposite here. :) We learn each other's character through our posts. We have some great minds here....i have made many good friends here that have become....Family. Again,  welcome and may you find the same thing within us!




calmb4dastorm said:
</p><p>http://musclegurus.to/rules-and-guidelines The rules and guidelines are found there. Often times we simply overlook small things like covering faces. It seems as though it would be difficult to build relationships within a setting such as this due to the need for anonymity, privacy and security.  But you will find that it is quite the opposite here. :) We learn each other's character through our posts. We have some great minds here....i have made many good friends here that have become....Family. Again,  welcome and may you find the same thing within us!</p><p>
.   </p><p> </p><p>Now he looks like sponge Bob....; ~</p>