What will happen if...


New member

Hey friends !

I have a qiestion, I am just about to start my first cycle (enanthate) 

the thing that im concerned about is that I am supposed to move in a few weeks probably to a different province (4 days driving+ some time to find a place and all that)  and i afraid that I won't be able to work out for a week or more...my question is, 

what will happen if i will start the cycle and wont be able to go to the gym for a week or two? 

Now onw more question, what happens (just to know) if i start a cycle, shoot for 2,3 weeks and then just stop shooting ? (Just incase i cant continue , not that im about to do that, just wanna know) 






It's kind of a waste to be on cycle and not taking full advantage of it. Nothing will happen, it's just kind of pointless.

Make your move, get settled into your new crib, find a gym.... then start a cycle



New member

burr. Its just a waste of a few weeks if you cant lift after you have already started your cycle, so just hold off so that you will be ready to roll. And if you do 5-6 pins and then stop I dont think you will see any real shut down so you shouldnt have to worry. If you do see some testicular atrophy or feel a real libido drop you could run some nolva and clomid for 1-2 weeks. But you are probably not gonna be shut down, especially this being your first cycle.



New member

Thanks guys! 

I know it is a stupid question. .and of course I understand and agree with what you're saying...the story is that I got everything around 2 weeks ago and since I'm waiting for a very important letter from the government  (that will allow me to move from my current place) I was expecting this fucking letter a week ago so when I got everything. ..I said hold your horses to myself...for the same reason. ..now it's been almost 3 weeks and the letter is still there...so I have no clue when it'll arrive... aND I'm kinda loosing my motivation. .well you know what I'm talking about...so for that reason I'm asking what will and if at all happen incase I start and something will fuck up with all that...at the worst case if I can just stop after 2,3 weeks ...and then start again when everything setter up already... 



Mister A


Steroids are a supplement. A very powerful supplement. This means that they are supplemental to a lifestyle that should already be in place. When you said you were "losing motivation," a red flag went off in my head. Now I'm not saying I am always motivated to train hard or eat right - but I have built a life around being big and strong. Regardless of what happens to me or how I feel I always do what I can to continue moving forward toward my goals. That's what led me to AAS. I don't know a lot about your background, and maybe this is off base, but if you haven't been training and eating like a bodybuilder consistently for several years then AAS probably aren't for you. You certainly aren't putting yourself in the best position to reach you goals. I wouldn't move somewhere without first going to the gyms in the area first (yeah I'm a fucking meathead), last May I had a car accident on my way to the gym and I threw my bumper in the back seat and drove to the the gym before going to my buddy's body shop or calling my insurance company. My point is that if you can't be consistent in your eating and training despite what happens in your life - then steroids aren't for you.




What up Igor!!! Where you been buddy? I would wait versus starting and stopping...you don't wanna deal with the test shutting you don't and really having a lack of motivation due to no test at all in the body. You know how that waiting thing goes, as soon as you start your cycle the damn letter will show up. Well thats usually how things work out with me if I am waiting on something. If you start and stop you will probably not even feel like getting out of bed from the lack of test brother



New member

You right man!

I'm living that lifestyle  (well I would have not go to the gym incase of accident but I do what I can :)

I lost more than 55 lb if fat in the last 8 month and I am fully motivated ..maybe I didn't explain myself properly...you know how it goes when you're ready to go and it's already the start but something fuckers up.. aND you need to wait again...



New member

Wait for it dude.  Easy answer.  I think you are hoping someone tells you to go ahead to make you feel better about it.  Fact is, this is a bad idea.  Get yourself situated first, cycle can wait.  Patience is necessary for this hobby.



New member

Hello my friend! How are you?

Yep...I know how it goes...after the first or a second week the letter will come ..Murphy rules.

To be honest I'm ready to pin myself in the ass if it'll make this freaking letter to come :) (Just kidding)




New member

Hahaha actually I just wanted to know the gurus opinion  man ! 

I am not an idiot and of course I understand that I should wait untill I'll be able to get the 100% from it.

Just was thinking maybe it's not that bad idea to start the cycle and maximum at the worst case I won't be able to work our at the gym for a week or two but still continue the cycle of course... I understandthat nothing major will happen in that case...just will not get the maximum results from it.. 

So I asked what if I'll stop (just for information;:) )
