What's up everyone


New member

Just introducing myself on here looking forward getting to know some good peeps on here. Also I saw that a new lab I'm trying out is on here so definatly will be giving some reviews soon. I'm 5'6  200lbs and about 15% bf 31 years old. I've done 3 cycles in my early twenties but didn't know what I was doing. Currently running 250mgs of Sus everyday. Been on for about 2 months got 1 or maybe 2 to go. Love the Bb lifestyle and learning new things. I spend a lot of time studying aas and feel I have  decent knowledge but learning from the experienced is always best. Oh yea I have been diagnosed with low t and did go to a clinic but quit because 200mgs a week of cyp was worthless to me. Alright well thanks for reading Happy new year




Welcome ,,  thats 1750mg of sust a week or for 2 months ??? And a few months to go???? Or did you mean 250 3×w ??? If not thats alot of fucking sust , for a  .  Long time ,like I said welcome good to have you here 




Welcome Loomer1, be sure to read the rules and stay active in the forum. +1 for your intro.

Would you clarify your cycle, you can post here ----   http://musclegurus.to/node/add/cycles




Welcome to the MG family Loomer! That's a lot of sust my man. Any sides? Are you using an ai or atleast have one on hand?



New member

Thanks brotha, and yes that's 1750mg a week but it's not the same as taking cyp or enant because of the fast esters In sust. It might be too much but not having any problems with sides and I'm pretty sure it's under dosed. 



New member

yea I hate dealing with Chinese stuff it seems hit or miss and usually under dosed. trying a new source haven't got confirmation but well see how it goes. 




I just switched from asian pharma to domestic ugl. I felt the asian pharma was under dosed myself. Its great to have you aboard brother!



New member

Much appreciated brotha... Yea just placed an order from a domestic source doing a test run to see how it goes. So far communication is not so great and hasn't even been confirmed yet. Hopefully all is well. He is known on here but I can't say good or bad experience yet but will do a review soon

