What's up Everyone


New member

Hey whats up guys I'm 24 y.o and an aspiring powerlifter. I have done several prohormones successfully in the past and I haven't branched over yet. I thought this would be a great place to get feedback and help me achieve my goals. I'm currently at 210 bw around 15% bodyfat. My total is around 1230 for the big 3. My goals are to try to get down to 185 and hit 1300 total(short term goal). Long term goal is jacked @198 and hitting 1600 raw. Any advice or help thank you in advance! Any suggestions on first cycle for strength gains? I was thinking of running anavar, test suspension, Winny, and clomid and torem as pct. 




Welcome to MG....here's a couple of links for you to check out.






welcome pops , good.to hear you ran a few prohormones ECT. Stay active ask questions and you will get the best cycle possible and if followed.the gains to go with. Welcome agion
