What's your strongest/weakest bodypart?


New member

Just want to know where everybody's coming from and what body parts ya'll are struggling or happiest with. I'll start: 

Best - legs, worst - arms. Somehow I got the t-rex body and getting them arms bigger has been a long struggle, long muscle bellies don't help either. For years  I was stuck at with scrawny 13" biceps (when you're tall it's hardly impressive), then I started including negatives and supersets and now I'm at 16.5" and improving. What's your story?



New member

best triceps, chest, calves, weakest biceps, quadraceps . Funny how the muscles that are strongest and weakest are sort of adjacent to each other.  Genetics are a funny thing




My best body parts are Chest, tri's, legs, back and shoulders. My traps are ok and my bi's are ok. Calves are good. forearms could be bigger. I cant complain. The hardest thing for me is keeping fat off.




My worst is calves and bi's. Tall with long muscle bellies also. Chest was also in the weakest group, but years of hard work have changed that. My best are tri's, back, and traps. I just think about training and my traps grow.



New member

best shoulders and chest worst abs  , everything  else I like but of course will never be satisfied  .  There will always be a body part lagging  you just have to pay attention  and work the crap out after it when you notice .





upper body is strong bro, but my legs ... my genetics screwed me with my legs.  they are strong but they will not proportion out. 




I can't complain ,it use.to be my.bench ,but the last.few years got me over 300 (335). Legs.are strong its just they stay small. ,tris and bis are good shoulder would be my weak point because of cuff ..




I also have the t-Rex disease legs and back lats can go insane  my triceps and rear delts suck hot monkey balls in the serigetti in the summer at noon in a heat wave by A hot lamp next to a fire ..... :(
