Whats your thoughts on getting advice from a fat flabby little guy ?


New member

OK so a coach for the NFL or NBA does not have to be a star athlete himself so I do have to cut some slack here, but would you take steroid , diet and training advice from someone who looked like shit ?  I guess I wouldnt mind if I thought the person had studied it and wasnt running gear themselves, or just running a low dose close to TRT. However when the person is running big cycles, claims to be " killin it at cardio, killin it at chest, killin legs today"  then Id expect them to look good. If they look like shit after running a serious regimine then can you trust their so called " expert " advice ?

    Its one thing to take advice from a guy that admits to eating icecream and only works out a couple times a week, they may very well know what they are doing just arent willing to commit their lives to it , but then to take advice from someone who claims to train hard, runs lots of gear and is flabby with no muscles just scares me. Its funny I remember one guy I knew who people would say "wow that guy really knows his stuff" , and Id simply ask the person saying that " Did you look at his own results from the training program hes on "?

  What do you think ?  Advice from A guy who has knowlege but does not train hard, and looks ok ,  advice from a guy who claims to have knowlege , trains hard looks great, or a guy who claims to have knowlege, trains hard and looks like crap ?




Well deffentlf not the fat guy, who failed at all attempts to get in good shape and failed because most deffently ha got something wrong




Depends on the fat guys background. If the fat guy is a fat world class powerlifter giving me advice on training........im all ears. If hes a fat average joe working at GNC I will totally blow off anything he says.

In general tho I think everyone agrees if your gonna give advice you better look the part yourself. If you can barely bench 225 I don't wanna hear ANYTHING from you about how to get stronger lol.

simple short answer is (listen to those who ARE where you wanna be) learn to distinguish bullshit from good information. follow those who have walked the path before you.



New member

haha good answer , I like the struggle to bench 225 part . Makes me laugh cause I thought everyone on the internet can push out 10 reps at 365 or so LOLOL . Im sure youve heard that many times .




Most weak people online will just discredit people stronger than them. When people can't do something themselves they wanna tell you that you can't do it either. Lifting is so ego driven tho there will always be shit talking.

Or I hear well I used to bench this before I blew out my shoulder or blah blah. Yeah sure you did buddy nobody cares what you used to do.



New member
Bump! Looks like I am guilty for using the old "dislocated my shoulder and could bench much more when I was younger" excuse. I'll have to watch that one next time I am in the gym and some guy comes over to me, starts with a compliment, and then says how I can improve my form for better results.

But back on topic, I try not to get annoyed when fat or very skinny guys give me advice. Unless, they just keep talking to me and I end up breaking my workout for 5~10 minutes.



I don't think I have EVER had someone give me a compliment and then try and correct my form lol.

If someone is correcting your form it is more than likely because your form is probably off except under certain crcumstances when their just an idiot. But never do they give compliment first.....least not from my experience.

Now people will ask me WHY I do certain things the way I do or why I use certain things. But that's because their trying to learn their not critiquing,
