When to start pramiprexole/caber


New member

When should I start my prolactin protector? I,m goIng to start off with pramiprexole because that's all I have to begin with until my caber comes in. Should I start as soon as I start my cycle of tren a and test prop? or wait a week or two then start 



New member


1-8 tren ace 75mg eod

1-10 test prop 100mg eod

5-10 winstrol maybe??

i also will have letro arimidex aromasin caber and prami while on cycle and clomid/nolvadex pct. I have some old Gyno that's been a issue so I am going to start off taking 1.5 letro everyday for the first few days then up it to 2.5 for the first two weeks or until Gyno is under control and I feel safe to start taking my aromasin. I will only use the prami for the first week or so until my caber comes in so I guess my question is when should I start the prami immediately when I start cycle or wait for week or so or until or if I have a flare up from prolactin. question#2 I know letro is strong but how fast will it suppress my estrogen? Thanks milkn




Ok time out here bro. It appears that you have, or plan to have, an arsenal of ancillary drugs but you need to address a few issues first. Some of this may be a repeat of what you may already know but I wanted to sort this out first before getting to your question.

First and most importantly, you will not get an accurate answer as to what your correct dosage of any of the following since dosages are specific to the individual. What works for you may not work for me, the guy next to me, or the guy next to him. It is super important to keep a journal as to what your cycle is, what your sides are, and what you took to combat those sides. Having a reference to reflect back on will not only help you, but it will help you help others down the road.

 1) Depending on how "Old" your existing gyno is, you may want to try to clear that up with a round of letro first before further feeding you condition via this next cycle because you certainly don’t want heighten you current gyno condition. Tapering is a must with letro and .25-.5mg/Ed capping out at 2.5mg/Ed max. Taper up 5-6 days then back down 5-6 days. This is said to help reverse gyno but do use caution since letro is potent. Letro comes in like a wreaking ball and will yank your E2 down quickly, and because of that, I would only run it to clear up gyno. As for prevention, well that’s key and that’s where adex and aromasin come in.

 2) Aromasin, a type 1  suicide inhibitor, when taken at 12.5mg ED or EOD depending on symptoms is very effective for clobbering E2.This should be taken during a cycle to keep E2 in check. Adex, a type 11 aromatise inhibitor, plays a similar role in combating elevated E2 but it takes a different route by binding to estrogen in the body which helps the body better control estrogen. Both of these are a preventive measure against getting gyno.

 3) Prami and caber help lower progesterone which in turn keeps prolactin under control. Caber dose starts at .5mg e3d and parami starts at .125mg/day with .25mg/day max. Prami is potent too so tapering is a must. Some use prolactin control while others don’t, again its depends on the individual. Whenever runnin 19 nors, a

 So aside from your pct, you really only need an AI (your adex or aromasin) and your caber or prami (if needed based on high prolactin sides).

 Question 1 -A good starting point for caber would be .5mg E3d starting on week 2 of your cycle. Again, this is a hard one to call since everyone is different but most run it like this and tune form there. I would run aromasin starting week 2 at 12.5mg eod and tune from there.

Question 2- Letro will tank your E2 in no time, like after the first 1-2 dosages, and will leave you feeling like crap. Letro sides are rough too so tapering up then back down is a must. If you are trying to clear up gyno, then run it for two weeks prior to running a cycle but again ony for 5 day tapering up and 5 days tapering down.

So in summary, clear up any existing gyno before you begin another cycle if you can, keep your E2 in check via your AI, and drop in your caber when your love life falls a bit below stellar.

I hope this helps you understand and prioritize what you have planned here. You cycle history is not listed and we wont give you the tren lecture but there are many other options aside from tren. You should complete a cycle log with your cycle history and sgosl and from there other can help you fine tune it. Personally, I don’t like this cycle but if you must, you may also want to think about running it with a 1:2 ratio with tren being favored to help keep tren related sides sown. 



New member

Damn milkn u know ur stuff bro. Thank you for the help its people like you whom I take there opinions seriously. u cleared up everything I was was not sure of except one thing and that is that I've heard people say to run prop higher than tren to help with the sides, do I have this backwards? And last but not least why is it that ur not crazy about this cycle? Thanks again
