Who remembers this huge source from back in the 80s featuring........


New member

.....I know I'm dating myself but who remembers Franco Santerelli annnnnnd Cybergenics..from the late 80s..

Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 and etc.... Lol

I fell for the scam 2x didn't gain a pound but got sore joints... Hahaaa

Huge advertising in Muscle n Fitness back in the day.




Lol...I remember cybergenics. It was sold at GNC and cost over $100 which was a lot of money in the 80's. If memory serves me it guaranteed you'd add 20lbs.



New member

Hahaa right!! If ole man memory serves me correct, I believe it was $139.00  or something like that.. And yes that was a lot of money back then.

I believe the program really over worked ya. They included a different workout with each set of phases. Hard as fawwk program. They got me 2x I'm ashamed to admit.. Lol




We were all young, dumb, and full of piss and vinaiger. Can't ever be old and wise without being young and dumb lol



Well-known member

I remember Cybergenics..... May have even bought into that scam as a young and stupid Jarhead. ;)

I am not admitting anything in writing.





Ohhhhhhhhh shit..... I remember them. They had good gear. Had quite a few bros get scammed. I remember them. Wasn't ol Greg Valentino involved with them I can't remember his bs story....



New member

Lolol. Nice one.  I believe that we all have been scammed with those kinds of products and supplements at one time or the other bro.



New member

I remember when I was is "A"school in the Navy, I basically spent the majority of my day eating and lifting. That was back in the day before the fucking government stepped up their efforts to "protect us". To this day, a cycle of old school original methyl 1d and methyl masterdrol has given me my best results. My bros and I would pool our money and go drop a grand in GNC and they would look at us like animals. 


Big Nasty

New member

LOL, yeah I did the cybergenics. Hell I did that whole useless cycle car salesmen shit in the basement of my grannys house with an old set of plastic weights and homemade gym equipment. I swore to myself that I was making gains. 100% placebo affect... But I was young and at peak l test levels so I was making gains anyway. 
