who wants to tslk about proviron ?



Looking members who have had experience with proviron. Whether you ran it as pct or during a cycle, this compound does not get the recognition it deserves. Forum is open to those seeking info as well.




I too have used while on cycle for several beneficial reasons. E2 control and it's ability to increase LH levels which keeps things in check down below the belt. This eliminates the need for HCG and AI for most cycles. Heavy blast cycles are another story since E2 control can be more challenging. 


i used it on cycle at 50mgs/day kept my libido insane, was taking sust and npp, also trying it out in my current pct @ 25mgs/day which i feel it is helping with libido and helping keep gains...something i'll include in every cycle and pct i think




You do see it becoming more popular for PCT use since it will not suppress HPTA function and will not interfere with natty production. It is actually said to increase LH/FHS levels and along with it anti aromatase properties, it a win win during oar post cycle. It's a tad bit pricey, but it's ability to double up as E2 control and LH stimulation, thus elimination the need for hcg, makes it somewhat of an even trade off.


if you can find a good cap source running a promo it helps with the cost lol...but you can basically eliminate the use of hcg and an ai (for some) it helps with the cost



Well-known member

proviron also helps test from converting into estor. Which will give you more floating test. 



Well-known member

flipper said:
<p>Have used it on cycle before and will use it again, through PCT.</p>
<p>proviron is the only oral that a male can use as a bridge. You can use it on cycle during PCT and after pct between cycles it will not shut you down. </p>
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New member

proviron is excellent and I run it all the time. Keeps libido strong, keeps me vascular and hard.  Only down side is it can increase BP so advice to all is keep a close eye on bp while running proviron.


Teh Bulk

New member

I actually don't get BP issues on it.. I keep it dosed around 25 a day.. I'll never run another cycle without it.. keeps estro sides down and frees up test.. I don't even need an AI while on the stuff.. obviously experiment with it because you don't want to just throw your AI out the window and rely on provi alone.. especially on heavier cycles



New member

but I love proviron. Only used it twice along anavar. On my first cycle when I got bloated like a beach ball on5 mg of var a day! Proviron made me feel much better due to reducing water greatly after just few days! I felt great on it. I cannot use it tho as it very harsh on my skin:(. It really is a great drug.



New member

Im very sorry if it seems like I am objectifying you, but the truth is I am. Im not going to lie to you, I cant stop looking at your Av, so I dont care what anyone says you are allowed to comment on or not, the more I see you post the happier I am.  Im sorry Im just a primitive male , but at least I admit it LOL



New member

well Ive got a woman,but a guy can dream cant he ?   I sure as hell still admire the female form especially one like Borsuckzeks .  Besides I dont care what anyone says , I love to be objectified ;)'


lucas mc caine

New member

hi guys ,although i used provi in my last cycle along with hcg ,and im thinking on using it on my next cycle ,exept for the hcg ,now that i have clomid and nolva, or should i include it as well?i will take provi during cycle ,but im unclear as to include nova the full cycle as well ,any help ,thanks guys ,

my cycle is: 250mg deca on mondays and thursdays 

                   250mg sust 250  mondays and thursdays ,as you can tell is a mild cycle (just like the first one ) with no side effects whatsoever,but felt great while on it ,so i will go at it again ,thanks again




Didn't pay much attention to the post at first ,because I didn't use it ,but after reading thread ,I think I might include prov to next cyc, and that knocks out my adex or around and hcg ,,I'll give it a run  and PS don't worry bros I learned my lesson I got a box on stand by in case something fails me 
