Why bulk


Why Bulk?
If you want to pack on muscle, there is no way of doing this faster than doing a bulking cycle. You can also do a permanent bulk with short periods of cutting if you like, however this will depend on your genetics what proportion of your time you need to bulk.
We bulk because while we have our calories above our Basal Metabolic Rate (how much your body automatically burns) we put on weight, it’s impossible not to. While bulking, we generally keep cardio to a minimum (do it, but don’t overdo it), and focus on having an excess of calories, most of which we’ll be trying to convert into muscle.
While bulking you WILL put on fat. It’s a fact, and it’s unavoidable. You can attempt to clean bulk (no junk food) and do it just over your BMR, but your gains will be minimal.
A general rule of thumb is to add 500-1000 calories a day to your BMR. So if your BMR is 3000, and you eat 4000 calories a day, you should be able to put on around about 2kg a week. If you’re just starting out, you can easily see 4-5kg in the first week.
It’s pure science, if you do it right, and you don’t kid yourself about how much you’re eating, you have to put on size. Anyone who isn’t putting on size needs to re-evaluate what they’re doing, and potentially add even more calories.
So you say to yourself, why don’t I just eat 8000 calories a day? I’ll gain like a mon- ster! Well, firstly it’s hard to eat that much, although it is possible with the use of mass-gainer shakes. Secondly, you’ll put on a lot of fat. Yes, you’ll put on more muscle than you would’ve at 5000 calories, but the amount of fat you’re putting on definitely isn’t working towards an aesthetic body.


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Well-known member
That's an extremely helpful piece of information. Maybe not for experienced guys, but surely for those who don't understand the "bulking" vs "lean muscles growth" difference.


Well-known member
My issue with that is after you finish bulking you have to spend a lot of time cutting that fat off, therefore running the risk of losing muscles.

Unless you use heavy shit in high doses to get lean while maintaining.. so not a fan a that dirty bulking for a normal guy who's not looking to get on stage.

For me 200-300 above maintenance will maybe take longer to get more muscles, but the pro to that is the cutting cycle will not be for that long. Again, not looking to be on stage of any of that shit.