wife's cycle


New member

My wife is currently cycling anavar @20mg ed and eq @ .4mg once week . Although she's super happy with strength she was hoping to see a little better with fat loss. Was wondering if anyone had any ideas. We are in the gym five days a week lifting with 2 days left for only cardio. We also eat really clean. She gets discouraged a little because she sees how fast I can drop fat . I tried to explain 1 I'm a man its easier plus I can take so much more higher doses than her.




Diet and more cardio. Var actually makes my wife very hungry. It's a bulker for her. 



New member

yea var increased my wifes appetite to at at 20mg a day for a women that's a lot. im not recommending this but my wife put a little bit of prop in with her var and made a huge dif and made her horny as shit to.



New member

 she's on her 7th week right now. She's 5ft 6 170lb. She hasn't really dropped much weight but I keep telling her don't worry so much with the numbers cause you can see how dramatic her physique has changed. I would put a pic up but I can't figure that out lol.



New member

Hold on hold on !!!!!!!!!   What are you doing here, you aren't trying to measure progress and fat loss by the scale are you ?  She is not making the mistake of thinking fat loss is measured by the scale going down is she ?

  If she is going to the gym and on a cycle she will not drop numbers on the scale. She is gaining muscle, which in urn will get rid of fat, but will yield the same number if not higher on the scale.



New member

You are absolutely right telling her not to worry about the #s. This is what my wife has done and her weight has actually gone up. The power of progress pics is amazing! 

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+1 and X2 with nytex. Use the mirror rather than the scale as a measure of progress. That's a fatal flaw that most women suffer from. My wife is leaner at 140lbs than she was at 125lbs.



New member

Yup. That's what I told her. She's Insane.lol.she been brainwashed by society like most other women in thinking that the scale is god.  I've watched her go from barely being able to lift 15lb dumbells to kicking back 65lbers and knocking out 6 to 8 reps. In a years time




A friends wife has done Just that taking some prop and anavar dude a I saw her the other day and it was amazing at the transformation that has happened  i second the idea of prop  don't use long ester cause she will gain water weight too must be short. Also crank the cardio up cardio is king off fatloss



New member

Yea it's crazy what just a little test in a women can do. I would post pics but she won't let me she thinks if I post pics of her the whole world is gonna know. 
