Winny and joints


New member

Hey guys, 

Currently looking into my next cycle.. And considering winny as a finisher..  

This would be my 2nd cycle and looking to cut up..  I'm 25 but I don't have the best joints..  Elbows hurt from heavy benching and can't do skullcrushers..  Wrist pain from time to time..  Oh and had a knee replacement a couple years back so it's not the strongest..  

I really want to attain the dry vascular look on this run and I hear winny is wonderful for that..  But I understand that it dries u up to the point ur joints hurt.  Would like some opinions and feedback on ur experience with it. 



P.S. I discontinued arimidex my first cycle because my left hand pained so much just from doing 30lb DB curls





I'd say if you're gonna use winny also use npp since it helps pull water to the joints, but what you don't want is to mask the pain with npp and do serious damage.

As far a wrist and elbow pain go do you use wraps and sleeves? Also focus on keeping your wrist straight and not bent back while benching. Heavy wraps such as the red or yellow striped ones will help tremendously. You can't go heavy all the time. Take some time to go lighter weight and higher reps to give some relief. Glucosamine will help your joints. You have to use it for a while to feel the effects.





Bash, Exactly what Dolf said,  I am 44 years old with so many injuries its ridiculous. I had a motorcycle accident when I was 19 ( broke elbow and ankle bad) fell off roof ( broke lower vertebrae, compressed disks in my neck) I cud go on but u get the point. I remember when I was 25 I was benching well over 400. shoulder presses with 225 like butter. I was strong as an ox. All I can say to you is I thought I was the only invinceable man created. WELL I WAS WRONG. please take 2 weeks to a month of light lifting. Bro I know how fun it is to just be STRONG but please take care of your body. I hit winny and it locked me up but I don't think its cause my joints are fucked its more of a body chemistry thing.. Lift hard but smart, get your diet in order and u will look how u want too brother.  if ur not jumping up on stage to compete do u need the winny??? that's ur call...



New member

Thanks a lot guys for ur feedback. Dolf thanks man. I'm actually gonna be running npp if at all pans out well..  So that's good to hear. 

Regarding the joints..  Yeah I too have had some injuries previously..  I use knee sleeves for all leg workouts..  Helps out Alot! May need to try elbow sleeves..  I don't prefer wrist straps..  They don't feel too good. I will definitely take ur advice strong regarding not going heavy every workout..  Lol I'm like u..  Just less stronger ;). I want to focus this cut on really stressing and isolating the muscle..  

I'm thinking of running proviron with the npp..  Is arimidex needed as well..  Or can I get away with just proviron? 


