Winny inject or oral


New member

I wanted to shed a little light & get some opinions on the oral VS injection on winny as I get asked a lot  "is it worth the pain to inject" for those of using a harpoon can relate.

One of the main thing that stanozolol brings to the table is Nitrogen Retention to our muscle tissue.  The more nitrogen retained in our muscles the better off we are.  Most believe that injectable winny is far stronger than oral winny. From my personal experience I would agree with this statement, but I don't think the difference is as much as people think there is because Winny is one of the few injectable steroids that is a C17-AA steroid.   Injectable is not quite as harsh on the liver, they both tax your liver pretty good.   Depo is usually in water because of its structural nature. Some people do not like to take the chance of pinning water based because of the heightened risk of infection.  I do pin winny in a oil base as well but it is not as popular on the average market.    

Some say that they use injectable to save there liver some heartache, but  inject is almost just as hard on your liver as the oral.   At the end of the day I would say it would be more of a personal preference in-between the two.   

They both tax the liver , inject is a bit stronger because of the direct access, IMO you could increase your oral dose compared to the inject and receive the same results.  So when asked this question I don't have a straight answer for most other than its a personal preference.    I wrote this to  make aware that inject winny taxes your liver almost just as much as oral winny.  

 So what is your personal preference and why?

Mine has always been Depo I feel it sets in quicker and I get more results with it.



New member

the info Ax, I have never know that inject winny is a C-17 AA, for some reason I didnt realize.. But I havent used winny so no personal experience ..yet =).. Would you say one advantage to oral winny is that results come sooner? Bc from what I have seen in guys cycles is them running oral winny at the end of cycles for 5 weeks or whatver, but with injectable its like a 16+ week run.. right? or am if offbase here? like i said I havent run it so yeah lol




This is great info Axle and valuable information for those researching this compound, this should be saved as a favorite for those who run or consider running winny. 

Let's see if anyone remembers OIL based winny. Anyone ? I ran a killer cycle back in the late 80's with yes oil based winny. You don't see too much of it around if you see any at all. I did managed to find one lab that still producrs it though. Tren ace/sust/oil based winny will shred you to pieces with the right diet. 




+1 great info axle!

I've heard of guys not being able to take the pain of pinning water based winny and injesting it orally. Seems like you would lose some effectiveness from passing through the liver. Anyone done this?




really,  you do not want to run winny for longer than 30 days IMO oral or inject due to the face that winny is a C-17AA it taxes your liver.  You don't wanna screw with the liver too much.   IMO you feel inject faster because it doesn't have to deal with the digestive system as the oral does.    I don't suggest winny to the average guy because it is so harsh.  Most competitors use it right before show time to shred all water weight and get the rock-hard look.  That kinda makes me a hypocrite saying that because I use it and don't compete anymore. lol   It will shred you .




 OIl based winny has like a cloud over its head for some reason..   I have made a  prop/ace/winny  all oil based.  1 ml was 100ace 100prop 50 winny , gotta man up but dame the results!!       After taking oil based winny , I don't ever see the need to go back to water based, but aqueous winny is so branded in peoples head that I doubt oil winny will every be very popular.  




I prefer running orals 5 to 6 weeks with the exception of halo, but winny can have some nasty painful sides




think about winny, it can be taken orally and has the same half life as orally. Good point bro.  I have before and couldn't tell a difference in taking a pill and swallowing fluid. 




Yea good point Dolf,  I may be stretching it a bit short 6 weeks is no problem, but you damn sure don't want to string it out too long. 




Yes I agree Axle water base and it's sting is signature to winny. There are a few labs that market the oil though and some favor the nice slow release theory however, it's low mg content calls for larger loaded barrels. 




Winny orals locked me up like I was a robot. Killed my joints...  So far no winny and no abombs... Lets see how tren treats me..
