winny injectable or oral? that is the question


New member

well im coming to the end of a very clean bulk and want to finish lean with some winstrol. but the real question is do i want to subject myself to very painful injections daily, or risk my liver and just take the easy road out and pop oral winstrol. what are some of the pros and cons people have faced with this dilema and which is going to give me the better results. i have put a lot of time into this bulk with extreme effort and i dont want to half ass the end of a great 20lb bulk (I know some of it is water). any help is greatly appreciated thanks brothers




Liver aid and a lot of water  if using oral   don't drink alcohol or take anything that will stress an already stressed liver.  Injectable  be prepared for the wrath of a raging Pitt  bull :) lol



New member

From what I understand  winstrol is one steroid that it doesn't matter if oral or inj it is hard on the liver due to it being a c17 alpha alkylated anabolic steroid .  You will need to run a liver support while on and for sometime after discontinued use.
