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Donnie diesel

New member

So my wp/s/BFF caused a huge fight between my wife and I, I mean huge fight where I had my shit packed. It all happened because he told his wife (our wives are friends) he had a package shipped to my house while we were out of state for the weekend and he told her I was cool with it which I knew nothing about or was cool with. He also tells his wife everything in turn she tells my wife. So in return I sent him a message out of anger and told him I could no longer be friends with him he responded by saying some unsavory and disrespectful stuff to me. Now I made this guy a lot of money playing middle man and I protected his identity. After I cooled off I sent him a text and told him to apologize to my wife out of respect to her and we could forget all this happened, I said what I said out of anger. I've got no reply what so ever and he was my best friend. I also tried to call him 3 times and text him still no answer. He probably thinks I only tried to make up for the gear but I can order and get my own shit




You tried bro, that shows what kind of friend you are. If he blows you off, that should show you exactly what kind of friend he really is.




Sorry to hear that bro,, you tried ,myself ,I don't keep friends no more and haven't in a long long time due to your sisuiation ,, I have acquatiences , and I leave it at that ,and as far as anybody ,getting to meet my FAM, I'll never take it that far no more I have all I need at home,, even my workers for years ,there my workers ,ain't nothing I won't do for them but ,,nothing to do with my personal life,, good luck.,shit haven't seen you in long time bro ,my first post I think was with you
