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I use a throw away delivery address so that is not a concern. My concern is not receiving gear that I paid for and having to repurchase it to take the same risk again. I am glad to hear this supplier uses solid measures to protect the purchase to pass customs but passing customs is not a guarantee. With the international competition I believe the lack of delivery guarantee places this supplier at a disadvantage. I don't live in Australia so their custom enforcement/policies is of no concern for me.

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On the plus side, they actually go to extreme measures to make their packs stealthy enough to go through customs. 

My pack was opened and inspected by customs and came out the other side. I'm still not ordering vials from any international sources as long as there are domestics to use instead, but for some other things I do go international.

for me, I'm far more concerned about my pack being caught by customs and getting my addy flagged than I am about losing a couple hundo in confiscated gear. I think this source's specialty is getting things into Aus, past very tight customs. Most int sellers dont offer a reship there anyway. 

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Read their FAQ's carefully. You risk losing a few bucks because they do not offer a free reship in case of seizure which is uncommon with most of the other international sources. No guaranteed delivery means I don't shop. ;)

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I'm running their provi tabs, feels like pharma to me and the mrs

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Hey guys, these dudes are back up and running as

they got shut down at old domain from the blackmail scammer

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Happy Thanksgiving my friend!!

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I've ordered from these guys twice and I'm currently setting up a third order, they always contact me promptly and are fast and friendly. Ordered was received slightly quicker than the estimate time and everything was accounted for. 100% legit gear I've used from them. 

The clan was instant and I noticed my body temp and shakes right off the bat, helped me focus on keeping my diet strict and trimmed a lot of fat whilst using the winny i added a small amount of muscle but looked much bigger as I had a lot of hard definition, the winny gave me a great look and the pumps were fantastic. I also put 15-30kg on all of the 3 main lifts which I've still kept or added even more to. I ran dbol 2 weeks after finishing winny and this has since given me a softer look but I've still been using it whilst cutting, made some nice lean muscle as well as as my strength continuing to increase. Slightly sore joints from the winny and the expected sides from clean was all I had. I would recommend this source to anyone who wants legit gear at a fair price and good customer service.
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Hey buddy.  It's complicated...we do currently have the new site up and running as but it doesn't matter if you punch that in or if you punch in as any traffic going to that will be redirected to the anyway.  The reason I say it's complicated is that we may continue using the .biz site for a while longer because it looks like we need to get some SEO work done on the new site or else it gonna hurt our traffic.  But either way, have a look at the new site and let me know if you have any questions brother

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Mark, Have you guys gotten your web address sorted out yet? 

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Just fyi, for all our customers, we will very likely be switching domains as it seems that after a decade, all of a sudden they have issue with us selling steroids!  Seems a bit late but there isn't much we can do about it, so we will likely be switching to but we will confirm this over the next couple days.  If you have any questions feel free to private message us.  Thank you!

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This was my first time ordering with the guys at Anabol Steroids Biz but it will definitely not be my last!!

In fact I'm about to place another order soon. 

Just to begin this review I wanna say that communication and customer service was brilliant and it was brilliant from as soon as I opened their website all the way till after I got my goods.

Straight away they were very helpful and quick to respond, their Communication & Ordering process gets a 10/10 for me.


It took around 2 weeks for delivery and I was pretty happy with that. They were very prompt in giving me all the details they had around the delivery and supportive through the process. 
Packaging was out of this world!! Props to Mark and the boys they have their packing sorted. I had read a couple reviews about guys who got their stuff and couldn't find it and thought they had been scammed, I read those reviews thinking their was no way I would do that. Well, It took me about 10 minutes to find my stuff in a package that wasn't huge and towards the end of searching I legit thought my stuff wasn't there, it was hidden so well. So thats another 10/10 from me on Delivery and Packaging.


All in all a 10/10 experience.

Massive thanks to all the guys at Anabol Steroids Biz, good job.

Products Effectiveness

I ordered clen, clomid and arimidex. Everything went well in my cycle and I have to highly recommend these guys. The ai and pct did their job and I lost some weight with the clen, I felt its sides as soon as I ramped up my dose to a point you'd expect them, so definitely not bunk stuff.
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After laying off for a year plus, i’ve decided to start my cycle again. This is my fourth time ordering from A.S.B. Everytime it managed to come through without any problems.


Communication & Ordering process


Communication has been great, Mark n Sean have always response to my email promptly. Although i’ve been emailing them countless time asking unnecessary questions, they have always been patience with me. 


Delivery (T/A) & Packaging


It only took 7 days for the packages to reached me once i got my tracking.

Packaging is second to none. i’ve been caught shipping in vaping stuffs few months ago(my country banned e-cig), i was worried about my current shipment. but still, it managed to slipped pass custom without batting an eyelid lol. Kudos to u guys at A.B.S.


Additional commentary

To all those looking for a trustworthy n reliable source who knows how to stealth shipped their stuffs, i suggest you give A.B.S a try. These fellows definitely know what they are doing.


Big thank to Mark n Sean.

Sorry mod, my review on product effectiveness is based on my previous order when i wasn't a member here*

Product quality has been great all along on all my previous orders. I’ve started at 64kg, n managed to grow up to 76kg on a 10weeks test-e n dbol cycle. Though i’ve lost much weight now due to time off training, i’m pretty confidence that the gears i just received will put me back on track.
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Hi guys. As background, this is my second cycle in two years. I have never order AAS online before, but these guysade it a seemless and smooth process. I would recommend these guys to everyone! They are open and honest with you about everything and actively ask what type of results you are looking for ans provide a lot of advise to assist. Payment was easier than I thought but I still managed to mess it up. The guys were super helpful with correcting this amd got the order out almost immediately after payment was confirmed. Especially recommend to people in Australia or NZ where customs difficult to get through. I am over the moon with their service and products and will be ordering from them in the future. Rate 10/10.


Communication & Ordering process


Communication honestly couldn't be any better. I dealt with both the guys who responded to my messages very promptly and took the time to explain everything in detail. I have spoken with them already about a future order which they are helping me develop so I am not ordering too much.


Delivery (T/A) & Packaging


The product was packaged extremely discretely. It took me a good hour or more to work out where everything was. My package had been searched by customs but nothing was found. The packaging really is amazing, I'll leave the surprise for you to find out though.


Additional commentary


I will definitelyuse these guys again. They are highly professional and their products are very high quality.


Product effectivenes and experience

I am in week 7 of a 10 week cycle. My breakdown is:

1-4: D-bol 30mg ED

1-10: Sustanon 500mg PW

13-15: Nolvadex 60mg down to 20mg ED

My weight right before my cycle was a very lean 73kg (160lbs) at around 7% body fat. In the first two weeks I noticed very little weight gain of 1.5kg. In weeks 3 to 5 things changed drastically. I noticed massive strength gains and increase my body weight to 84kgs. I am now into week 7 of the cycle and I have ballooned out to 89kg. Donce going off the D-Bol I have lost a lot of the bloating and started to notice a lot more definition. I did experience some sides, mainly overheating throughout the night and a severe case of heart burn that resulted in my throwing up (ironically after I took my last D-Bol). Since then I have experienced nothing at all.
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Ok, so this will be a short but sweet review for my boy Mark, These guys are VERY quick to respond.. they actually have a chat button on their website. He was pleasant to deal with and pretty knowledgeable.. I saw he was having a promo on another site that im NOT a member of, and asked him if i could get the same deal because i was a member of Muscle Gurus and would NOT sign up with the other site... He said no problem! He then got an account squared away with MG and will hopefully be having a promo here to introduce himself I ordered some Unigen Life Sciences Pharma Grade Proviron from him.


I started taking 100 mgs per day and felt the effects almost immediately.. I was feeling a little estro creeping up on me, i was being a whiney little bitch and felt lethargic and just all out not feeling well. it felt like my Testosterone was bunk... When i took this Proviron within days my attitude was 100% better my muscle hardness and vascularity and just a sense of well being all came back! This is the real deal folks... I have been around the block and know quality Proviron when i take it.
The Tabs are From Unigen Life Sciences and are stamped Pharma Grade and obviously the real thing. Im buying a shit ton more of these things,, I lke to have a good supply and this is my place to go !
Edit: I had to reduce my dose! This shit is too much.. I can honestly say I have very rarely gotten any products that were "too much" for me to handle... I just bought 8 more boxes of 50 x 25mgs ..Thats another 400 tabs and i have a years supply!
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Hey, sleep is just about as important as any goddam thing else when it comes to training so if that's what it takes...shit works for me!

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Sweet! I just ordered some xanax and valium from these guys... Maybe i can get some sleep for once!

Trensomnia sucks ass and ive never seen a source sell this shit... im excited to try it !

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Unigen, brother!  tough to beat!  safe trip home bro and i don't think anyone will be mad about pics ;-)

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We here mutha fu**as!!! lol  Let us know any questions you got jarhead.  Without tryna sell ourselves I'd say with great confidence that we not only have some of the top gear that I've seen on most of the sites here, but we work directly with them so we get good enough deals to compete with pretty much anyone...but most's brands can't compare. 

Ok, rememeber how I said "without selling myself?"  lol  whoops 

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Yeah, he should be getting moe active on here as well... i guess we will see... but his provi rocks!

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I will be looking forward to a sweet promo so I can get that proviron!! 

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You have a link to the website?

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Whats up Man,

Ill be trying the oils soon but you know how much i like that proviron! 

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Copy & paste gear pics!

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Ok, I'm a female so dosing and products are different for me compared to a male obviously because I don't wanna become one of you creatures and still want to look feminine :-)) these guys where really helpful, I first emailed mark for advice on what would be best and he responded almost instantly. They were very knowledgable, professional, helpful, patient and most of all honest and trustworthy. From that very first email I sent right through to receiving my gear and tracking number and the packaging was so stealth that I couldn't find it inside duh but I emailed Sean and he kindly and patiently guided me to where in the package it was. Not a bad word to say about these guys. Keep up the good work. 

Again being female I only take 100ml per week of primo depot and 20mg anavar per day split 8 hours apart (two a day) . No virilization which is great just a slight scratchy throat but that's all . I'm getting leaner and more vascular but my strengh is going u which is amazing. I have a few little spots on my back and shoulders but very little and can hardly notice them, injection site (glute) a little sore for a day afterwards but not bad at all but I imagine at a higher dose it would be. Very very happy with products and placing a second order soon :-)
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Mobil,9 days is not nearly enough time to review products , we do have a madatory minium of 21 on shorts and orals and 42 days on longs .please rereview after time line

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INCREDIBLE, can't say enough great stuff, nothing bad, the delivery was fast and discreet, I was nervous at first with sending money ahead of time. But the customer service is bang on, each email was answered immediately, always felt serviced and safe. I ordered numerous products all the real deal, from Winny to Deca, to Provision, and Trembalone, my strength increased dramatically all positive side effect took place. I would not hesitate to use this site for all my needs in the future. 

INCREDIBLE, can't say enough great stuff, nothing bad, the delivery was fast and discreet, I was nervous at first with sending money ahead of time. But the customer service is bang on, each email was answered immediately, always felt serviced and safe. I ordered numerous products all the real deal, from Winny to Deca, to Provision, and Trembalone, my strength increased dramatically all positive side effect took place. I would not hesitate to use this site for all my needs in the futur
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   First of all, I just wanna say thanks to mark/sean, and I appreciate y'all helping me reach my fitness goals.  These guys go above and beyond to satisfy their customers. They have a wide selection of products at a reasonable price.  They are also very knowledgeable of all their products and willing to answer any questions you might have.  All of the items listed comes with a complete profile to satisfy any curiosities that you might have.  All of their gear is pharmaceutical grade or generic, no UGL's. They are professional in every aspect, from initially making your order, worry free payment methods, confirmation that payment has been received, tracking numbers of your orders, and finally the discreet packaging that arrives at your doorstep. Nothing but good to say about these guys.

I started off with a dbol \sustanon stack which gave me terrific gains, I also integrated proviron later on into my cycle which kept me lean and hard not a lot of bloating. I started the propionate 4 weeks into it just for a little extra. The clomid and nolvadex worked fine, caused the boys to drop and help me keep a lot of gains. I have no complaints whatsoever with any of the gear that I have odered. Everything has met my expectations.
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Amazing guys thanks allot i have ordered a few times know received my orders very happy with the service AAA grade service from start to finish the guys answer all questions quickly and they stay in touch till u get products very professional just order kick back relaxe and in around 10 to 12 days your gear is at your door in Australia.

Oil is thick smells good tastes good and does damage I look very good I've put on lean hard muscle Organon gear is dynamite can't go wrong much better than the crapy UGLs in Australia that are under dosed and the proviron is good keeping the bloat off so its working good thanks Mark/Sean.
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Hello from Oz thanks guys (Mark & Sean) great products service and very helpful True business men in every way very professional second time I've ordered received order both times I'm very happy so I'm writing this review to say thanks.

Pharma Grade Test words can't describe how good i felt throw in tren I was the HULK throw in the proviron Porn Star HaHa , strength was amazing melted allot of fat away from Tren my boys didn't shut down at all , as they say I truly looked like a greek god minus the greek very happy.

500 mg Test e week
200 mg Tren e week
25 mg Proviron day
Perfect for me especially when u have Pharma Gear.
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