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Can anyone vouch for his Aromasin?

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CHooo-Choo! All Aboarddd! Yall know what I'm talking about!

Maybe if we start making enough noise in here or talking about deer chili or gumbo or something we can cause the mad scientist to rise up out of his lair. Will be placing once again an order with Apl the end of the upcoming week. Gotta get back on his sust, prov, and tbol, oh man they are the best. Thinking maybe Var at the end....hmm undecided .

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I just saw that has anyone had any?? I have always had flawless product with my big brother Apl for the past 2 years and I'm sure this is the same. I am wondering how peeps who are experienced with the dosages of the brand name compare to this as far as strength to not get dosing wrong.

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Ok, please make an introduction in the appropriate section. This is the ask and discuss section for APL. Then, once we know who you are, then ask away. Read the rules and guidelines as well. Absolutely no discussion about labs or sources except in that sources ask and discuss. 


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wwats up ppl. I'm new here. an not very experienced.  wen I was in college playing bball I was an had nuthin but good experiences with my gear. but Texas is the place now I'm in the Midwest an no reliable steady supplier. I'm 6 9. 260 an wld like to no wat I shld go with. I use to take Deca 300 an test p 300. 

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Skip,  no need for PM. Just go to the top of any page and you will see forums. Click on that and you will see ' introduce yourself'

Click on that and tell us a little bit about yourself and some stats along with your goals.. No one on this site will make any fun or try to make you feel inadequate. This will show us that you are somewhat committed.  You can ask basic questions and believe me, there will be help. If you follow these steps within 2 weeks you will have basic knowledge... The only thing here is you will not be spoonfed how to cycle steroids..

AAS use (steroids) is a commitment, Not just a 1 cycle deal.  If you can commit to an intro. You will then be seen as a serious member.

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go make a introduction. , so the members know you first...

then  ask these questions remember read rules. on forum donot mention sources or labs. ...

your questions are in the right place. ..

how old are you ?  whats your height , weight , bf. ?? how many cycle have you run ??? and if so what compounds ??? and your progress. 

strong has a very good question. and whats up are you just running winny. ????

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Im sorry im new to this can someone Dm me and give me some guidance

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Skip, you need to make an introduction if you have not already. Let us welcome you to our neighborhood. Then post a thread asking for assistance with my he cycle you are running. Strong will not steer you wrong! Do this thing I ask of you so that you get the assistance you desire. 

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Bro, The boards don't work this way. You need to introduce yourself. Add some stats to your profile. What other compounds are you taking... I have used APL's gear many times. I only had 1 problem with 1 bottle of Tren. His products are used by all the top members. His gear is all on the money...  I hope you are not just taking winny by itself..

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Well can someone tell me what im doing wrong or will it take alittle longer to kick in

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APL primo is getting me shreddddedddd.....

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Strong like Rambo.....

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I call bullshit! Best winny I have ever run..

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Okay so i bought from apl and i used the winstrol at 50mg a day for a week and 2 days now i dont feel anything at all

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Chirp chirp chirp

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Hope everyone had a great Easter!! Come out from the lab & get some vit d APL!! :)

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Highly recommended!!!!! High quality product, no pip. Great communication and always efficient and timely responses/shipping and easy to navigate website. Amazing domestic source!!!! 

I have only used the Test Prop, NPP, Arimidex, and Winstrol (started today so cant talk about it but it's what the fuck I've put in my body). I'm kinda the new guy, the young buck of MG but I do my research and play it all by the book. Though 3rd cycle I can tell you that this is great Test and all around oils in general. They say your first is your best but this has been by far my best cycle and I believe it's due to getting my diet in check and not playing with my dick in the gym!!! So before you buy based off of our reviews GET YOUR SHIT IN LINE! This isn't a magic spell brothers and sisters!!! Anyways. First few weeks of pinning .5ml of Prop ED I blew up (increased lean muscle mass in turn dropping body fat %) began at 200lbs then got to 210lbs in a month. After that I threw in my NPP 100. Ran the fuck out of it. Pinning .5ml Prop with .7NPP ED. Increased my max reps dramatically. 2x 315 bench, 425lb squat. 455lb dead by the 3rd week of Feb. keep in mind I'm on a caloric deficit and I'm STILL getting stronger! Did two weeks of a "blast" after while I upped cardio and fucked with my meal plan increasing to .6ml Test Prop and .8ml NPP. Then by the middle of March back to .5ml Prop, .7NPP. Last week of March I'm off NPP. Since then EOD pinning only 1ml of Prop and "cruising" in a sense. Today started 50mg Winstrol ED because I'm 56 days out and want to just sculpt this shit out and get that sub 10% BF. The arimidex is solid, haven't had any problems with the nips. If ever I feel they are getting a little sensistive their Arimidex takes care of it perfectly. In total I have now dropped 12% BF since the beginning of January and weighing in back at 202lbs first thing in the morning.... of higher muscle mass and drastically lower body fat lbs. how a cut should go IMO. I would 12/10 reccomend APL and the people in mg circle that have taken APL products love it and have only been impressed with them. I've placed 4 orders with them and every single one comes within 3 days of payment for product and packaged really nice and descrete. Also their bottling is nicely labeled and clean. Sometimes the stopper is a little thin so you may have some leaking when drawing if you fuck around or shake in the vial but other than that it's flawless. Happy gaining brothers and sisters!!!!
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Thumbs up on the new add - 

Sildenafil Citrate 50

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Sustanon 350

Tren E

Eq 300




Picture of the sus attached below

I used APL products for 12 weeks which I feel they were under-dose. I have to inject a lot more to have the same effect as another brand (Wellness fitness Network) I was using. (Got shut down by DEA about March 2017, their website still active but cant order, they got caught because they were accepting credit card LOL, Instead of bitcoin)
Old brand I was using
Sus 350 1 cc/week
Tren E 250 1 cc/week
Eq 300 1 cc/week

for APL
I have to use 1.5 to 2 cc of each product to get the same results.

After off season for 3 months
went back to my old products that I had stocked up which i got the same result using less product and less time.

This is my experience from it, I dont know about other people, I see that there are some people here get great results. One thing I can say they are Legit on selling and delivering.
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Strong like bull...

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Cocaine and bull sperm! : )

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APL, what'd you put in this Tren Brother? This shit is straight FIRE! Hands down the best cycle I've ever run man. Speechless! 

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My first order arrived in two days, this guys are super fast here is a pic. and very responsive to emails.

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Would  you consider adding Stanolone to the store? 

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Ok, just sent you a PM

Ok, just sent you a PM throug here. i think i had the wrong email then. 


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The email is working without a doubt so make sure you aren't entering it with the M on the end

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Sent an email, but it bounced back. does anyone know if he is around? or why it bounced back?


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