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hey APL ,hey SemperFi, hey jdDaniel,,,..thanks for getting back to me.i havent logged in since the day i posted my comment. Yea i actually went to the er because ive never felt like that before. i mean i do have a lower back issue from a back injury years ago but this was a bit different. and since it started to feel like the way it did ,i was curious & thought id ask u guys. but the inj & pill they gave me did the trick,some sort of muscle relaxer . And yes i also believe i havent really seen any increase in weight & size is because im not eating enough..& i know the oils usually take a few weeks to kick in. okay ..hopefully ,since this is my 3rd week starting mon the 13th, im going to increase my eats...& hopefully start seeing some weight & size difference. Thanks again guys ,& APL for the email update...& ill keep you posted. My starting weight is 200,,so im hoping for 235 or so,,like i did a couple yrs ago lets see. Thanks again guys.

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Think you musta been putting the M on the end brother but I just shot you an email from the new one so you should have it now

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Back pumps are normal for many taking dbol. 50mg is a big dose of APL dbol. Make sure you are drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water a day and supplement with taurine and magnesium before training to assist in controlling the muscle pumps. Have no idea what oils you are taking so I cannot comment on that. When you have time offer up a introduction in the forum so we know more about you and can assist your more.

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What email should I contact you from? i was using the Proton one, I tried sending a email from the support address and it said invalid 

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Oh and make sure you are emailing the correct email address brother. [email protected] is the one you want to use...the orders one is only for automated stuff like invoices etc the website sends. Lots of guys reply to the order invoice etc but that email address is strictly for the website to send from and it pretty much like when someone orders from amazon or ebay and they send their invoices. The protonmail one is still functional but was primarily for during the domain name transition when the other accounts weren't working so it doesn't get checked as frequently. Support one is the main contact email so if you have questions be sure you are emailing that one and make sure its co not com

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If the back is tightening up then the dbol is taking effect bro...pumps get pretty brutal at 50mg a day! JD hit the nail on the head tho if the weight isn't coming on like you want then its got to be one of the other aspects like diet etc and doesn't matter what compound is there if the calories aren't then the growth sure won't be. Track the diet making sure you are taking in what you should be then add 500...whole foods and train hard then the rest will be a given

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Dbol usually "kicks in" anywhere from 4 days to sometime in that second week. Most of the quick weight Dbol puts on is water. Make sure you're drinking a shit ton of water. At least a gallon per day. If you're on a long estered test,  can usually feel it good after a couple weeks. Doesn't really start hitting it's groove till week 4 or so. As far as the leg and back pains, Dbol is notorious for causing pumps in the back and legs, especially the shins and lumbar region of the back. If you're on Dbol and test and havent put on any weight, then it's 99% likely you aremy eating enough. Add another 500 calories per day, in whichever form fits the needs of the type of diet you are on. Lift, eat, sleep and you'll grow. The gear isn't going to do it for you if the rest of the equation isn't complete.

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hey guys hows it going? just a quick question. i ordered APLs gear .it came quick within a week. but i tried to email him a couple of times but noresponse. i just wanted to ask him or any of you long til i start feeling the gear 1--the dianabol. im on my 2nd week,50mg/day,split in 2 And the oils, mon&thurs, 2shots on those days. But i dont know if the dbol has kicked in. i have noticed my lower back like real tight.its hard to move around. & my legs are also like in pain .i gotta walk real slow.i worked them out like 2 days ago. i just never had this reaction ..not that i can remember. But yea , i dont think ive gone up in weight or size anything yet . Maybe by next week ? thanks guys.

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I swear, this guy. Outdoes himself everytime. As of this go around, shipping is down to two days somehow..(that's time from visiting the money fairy, not from the bird leaving the roost on the other end). Goes without saying that the product is second to none. Running a "simple" summer cutter of Tren A/Test E. After the required run time, I'll be putting up a full review. Tren was felt, inarguably, within 18 hours. Kicked in like a brass balled donkey. Too legit to quit...

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APL does it again.  My fourth order with him and as with the last 3 -  lightning fast shipping, incredible customer service, easy order process .... And top notch gear!!!   Can't wait to get the ball rolling on this cycle ....Was planning on starting on Monday but in honor of APL and his amazingly fast order-to-doorstep process I may just start tonight.

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Just tried out the new batch of TNE, 

Must have nicked a vein cause I was coughing like i just did a huge bong rip. It still feels weird to take a deep breath. 

The taste is a little different than the other batch, but effect feels the same. 


update, 16 hours later and my lungs still feel "weird" and coughy

update 72 hours later, immune system is going off. not positive if its a reaction to the pin, or just a gnarly cold. I'd suggest anyone pinning the TNE start small. Not sure what the heck is going on.

I dont want to be an alarmist, maybe I just injected 40mg of TNE right into a vein. Just start small with the dose and see whats what.

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The bird has landed. Lol !  No really I recieved my order today, as usual.  No problems perfect customer service, quick to process your. And most of all class A gear. See my blood work on my last review.  These products are top notch.  About to give his Tren Ace a go.  I tried his Tren E last blast and Test cyp. It was  nice the few pins. But love Tren Ace (plus you never know how Tren may effect you, thats why i mostly use Tren Ace. So i can get it out of me quick, and never tried his, so here we go. It will be mast. Prop, Tren Ace, Test prop.  Also bought more of their Adex, cant never keep enough AI's on hand.  So keep up the good work guys.  Cant say enough good things about APL. 

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I been using APL products for about 4 months. First off products are spot on,  and great customer service. This review is for NPP, TNE,Test C, and Tren E.  This was a winter cycle to put on quality muscle amd strength. All went well !  Very happy with APL !  First class products to go with a first class company. Items shipped quickly and on time. Items were wrapped nice and tight.

This review is for APL's Test C 250, Tren E 250, NPP 100, TNE 100. I used products for 12 weeks. NPP was used for join pain, The TNE was used as a preworkout, Test C and Tren E was primary cycle drugs. I used 1cc each twice a week, With the Test C and Tren E, I got usual sides of a good product. Very high libido, oily skin, some back and shoulder acne. Just a great feeling of weel being. Also the Tren keeps my chest feeling hot and plenty sweating. I did have a little bit of night sweats, but nothing to bad. NPP did excatly what I was hoping for. It pretty much knocked out my shoulder pain. Actually I ran out of my NPP and with in a week and a half shoulder pain was back something fierce. I only take .5cc of NPP twice a week. The TNE is very good. I use
75 cc on days where I need that extra boost. I get extreme focus and stamina from the TNE. I had a good size and strength increase from above prescribed doses. I would like to leave on this note APL's customer service is 2nd to none, products are of great quality and.professional looking labels. Also the girlfriend is extremely happy. Thank you for that APL !!
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this guy is top notch #1 ,,,just did first trans with him and entire process was 72 hours!!!! u cant beat his cust service or his gear!!! look for my pics in the gear pic forum!!!! look forward to a long lasting friendship here!!!! BLUE9802 btw ill post a review when time is right!!!!!

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Gotta love it when the wife lets you use some of her tax return to buy gear!  Just placed a nice order with APL.  Gonna be a good ride, can't wait. 

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Love this site and this service. Products rock  

Been thru about three cycles with this site and love all the products. Feel the mixes working fast and they are very strong. No pip is great and the strength increases are fast and so are the gains. I never get sides cause I run aromisan with all my cycles. Love the products. My number one go to for sure. Can't wait for the next cycle already.
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Nice and simple .... not a lot of volume per pin and only 3x weekly .... APL does it again. 

Well ... when I finally get the chance to place my order I will be running this very similarly to you.  Had to spend all my gear money last week when our roof sprung a leak during a huge rain storm .... slowly trying to build up the cash again to pick up some goodies. 

How long are you running this cycle for ?  I like longer cycles myself but also prefer npp over deca so even if I run at 18 weeks or so I will go with the npp.  Just means more money ....  Damned roof!

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1ml pinned m/w/f will put you at 500 tpp & 300 npp

1.5ml pinned m/w/f will put you at 751 tpp & 450 npp

1.8 which is my dose puts you at 900 tpp & 540 npp

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Posted some APL gear..

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I've made 3 orders and just put in a 4th everything has been awesome! APL is the best. I have a question on dose for the cut stack 3? What's the recommended length and mg? Any opinions? 

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Thanks brother.. All is good here..I feel great..


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It isn't the badge, it's the man who's wearing it! 

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Don't be knocking the bronze brother...we all started there!!

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lIfe is good homez..Even at my bronze level..but would help a brother in a split second

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I watched that one the other night for the first time in years! Great movie but I'm with you brother gets the heart rate up just thinking about doing that...sure wouldn't want to be in his shoes when he pulled all those up from the wires as he watched that guy run down the stairs with the battery!

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Oh and want to take a second to give a big shout out to all the guys I see running around here with these red or gold tags!!! Shows we have some really knowledgeable guys here who go out of their way to help everyone they run across out. Oh and notice we have a lot of silvers in here as well not to mention some well on the way to gold to boot!

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fantastic, i'm taking a day off from shoveling snow and chilling out in front of the TV/

Watching HurtLocker now, off to a gripping start.  Makes my heart race just watching those actors portray the mission of our EOD guys

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You know it actually is dosed about right for you! Got a few that it will work great for but will be enough to go around...remind me when we are talking about the next cycles and we will work it in there tho!

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Its on there and waiting on your brother!! For everyone else who has been waiting won't be long on the Cut Stack 3 either!!!

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