Review Detail

Steroids K kfizzle

This is a review for 2 sustanon bottles and dbol for 10 weeks. Dbol as a kick start was used for 4/weeks at 50mg per day , I did get decent strength and size from dbol but the side effects where just too harsh. The dbol gave me some pretty bad gastrointestinal side effects such as bloating, gas, and very bad diarrhea . It could be the fillers in the dbol maybe? The sustanon took a bit to take affect like 5 weeks but I almost considered stopping because of the horrible pip . I know I infected correctly and even heated the oil but the pip got to the point I couldn't even train right or functions at work. Tuff is good at customer service and responds fast. Overall customer service wise it was good

The products do work I feel like the sustanon might be underdosed but overall I did gain 8 pounds during a recomp cycle. Dbol works fast but fucks up my stomach too much and also made me shit really dark stools. I was using sustanon at 250 twice a weeks Monday and Thursday injections . Like I mentioned earlier the products do work but the pip is jist not worth it . I might give him another try in the future
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