1st cycle recommendations


New member
Hey all, I’ve been doing my due diligence and gathering all possibly information prior to starting my first cycle ( probably test 300-500 range)

I’m reading that one shouldn’t run an ai without showing the sides for it first. I understand gyno and think I could tell when and if that started however what are some others that you guys experience? For those you do experience are there some that come before others? I get each person is different and some may never have the need for running an ai too.

Any knowledge on that as well as opinions on my dosage of test would be appreciated


Well-known member
whats your age? weight and height? goals? lifting and nutrition experience? had bloodwork?
first cycle indeed should go with test alone.
as in terms of taking AI - indeed, only use if you show signs of high E2, or if you can confirm high E2 with bloodwork.
other signs of high E2 usually involves bloating, water retention, feeling overly emotional, low sex drive, ED, and others.
prepare PCT too


Keep it simple, being on point with your nutrition, sleep, and exercise is almost more important than the gear. Many guys don't eat enough or workout enough or sleep enough to get big. You can go on YouTube and you'll find guys who talk about how they didn't grow at all on cycle because they didn't know they had to eat more or get more sleep!

Also be realistic, you're often not going to see a lot of results until the second month of a cycle. The body takes weeks to increase and build up red blood cells and other factors come into play like bone density increases and better muscle recruitment. Once you're in that second and third month of a cycle you're like damn, I'm looking good. You won't need tons of gear and can put on a year's worth of natty gains in 3 months with a simple cycle.

Here is my recommendation
Testosterone Cypionate 150-250mg once a week
Dbol 50mg every other day 20 minutes before a workout for first 4-6 weeks
Aromasin or exemestane in case your estrogen gets too high. You probably won't even need these if you're running lower test.

Add mk677 if you want a little more mass during cycle. This will make you hungry as heck and your skin will look better.

And get the proper pct supplements for when you're done


Well-known member
have bloodwork done then if all ok, do 500mg a week of test. 250 on mon and 250mg on thursday have ai on hand just in case sides. i would go with test E for 12 weeks then get your pct.


have bloodwork done then if all ok, do 500mg a week of test. 250 on mon and 250mg on thursday have ai on hand just in case sides. i would go with test E for 12 weeks then get your pct.

Half a gram is completely unnecessary for a first cycle and will shut him down. 250 of test is already going to put a lot of guys at 5-10 times natural production of testosterone. Doing 250 for 4 months is going to produce very reasonable increases in lean muscle mass that will be easier to keep off cycle. I mean, he is going to be able to put a years worth of natty gains on in one cycle.

BTW, op most guys who do cycles don't pct correctly. You calculate the compound and how badly it suppresses natural production and the ester length to find out when your system will have expelled the compounds you've been taking. Test cyp for example would mean you start your pct at 5 weeks after your cycle ends. A nandralone or similar compound might require you start pct 20 weeks after you stop a cycle because of how badly it causes suppression and how long it stays in the body. Most bodybuilders don't do this and they spend money on pct compounds that are being counteracted by the steroids that are still in their system.

If you stuck to 250mg of test or lower, you might not even need to pct inbetween cycles because it isn't going to suppress your system that bad.


Well-known member
Dbol 50mg every other day 20 minutes before a workout for first 4-6 weeks
better use 25 mg/day than 50 mg every other day to keep consistent blood levels.
Testosterone Cypionate 150-250mg once a week
again, better use 125 mg x2 a week than 250 mg once a week due to the same reason.

Keep it simple,
that's true, that's why test alone would be a better option than test + dbol for a first timer.
Half a gram is completely unnecessary for a first cycle and will shut him down. 250 of test is already going to put a lot of guys at 5-10 times natural production of testosterone. Doing 250 for 4 months is going to produce very reasonable increases in lean muscle mass that will be easier to keep off cycle. I mean, he is going to be able to put a years worth of natty gains on in one cycle.
250 mg of test will still shut him down. while half a gram could be helpful, i still agree that it could be too much. 300 mg/week for a first timer is enough. however,
If you stuck to 250mg of test or lower, you might not even need to pct inbetween cycles because it isn't going to suppress your system that bad.
i completely disagree with this. 250 mg/week of test for 8 weeks will suppress you badly enough to require PCT. Noway it wouldn't. especially if using higher dosages and/or other steroids and/or longer cycles!