1st post, intro, advice needed


New member

36, 6'2", 205lbs, maybe 18% bf.  Started first cycle about a month ago with 500mg test e per week, arimidex every other day, and .22 mg dbol per day. I workout at lunch so time is limited but I'm doing a very busy half hour/35 mins. Is that enough time? I try to get a short jog in the morning just to get blood flowing, not running far. Typical week is chest on Mondays, arms Tuesday, yoga Wednesday, legs Thursday, everything Friday and misc pushups and pull ups on weekend. Am i doing enough to be effective? I can feel the strength, just wondering if I'm selling myself short only doing power half hour workouts.



Well-known member

Welcome. If your Diet is good, and your hitting the Gym hard when your there you should be fine. I would not have don the Dbol for your first cycle. But thats neither here or there.. Welcome again..




Welcome! Volume is the key to short training sessions. Higher rep ranges and shorter rest periods. It's really a HIIT type workout, and can be very effective. 



New member

more like 4-5 sets 12 reps or better, if you hit 20 reps then maybe go a tad heavier. I personally feel like if you are gonna run gear then you should find some more time to lift, thats just my opinion, its not that the gym is life, but why not do what is probably more optimal if you are gonna be dieting and spending money on gear...?




3 sets of 10...4 sets of 12...3 sets of 15 just higher rep ranges. Take 30 sec to 1 minute rest periods. Think of it like this. 

5x5 lets say you go heavy with long rest periods @ 315lbs on bench with 3 min rest periods between sets. You'll move a total of 7875lbs and it'll take you approximately 14 min total time to move this weight. 12 minutes of rest and approximately 2 min of time under tension.

4x12 with 1 minute rest between sets @ 185lbs on bench. You'll move a total of 8880lbs and it'll take you approximately 6 minutes. 3 minutes of rest time and approximately 3 minutes of time under tension. 

In essence you moved 1000 more lbs and fit it in half the time. More volume in less time. Not sure what your goals are, and this might not be ideal for those goals, but sometimes you have to go with what's available for you rather than what you want. 

Hope my math is right! Had to break out the calculator for this one lol




New member

I agree with above.  30 minutes os plenty of time on the iron of youre moving quickly and doing higher reps.  My training session take 30-45 minutes typically.  Just take 30 seconds or so between sets, dont lollygag, hit it hard, make em burn, get the fuck out of dodge.  Id keep the rep range in the 12 to 15 range....and remember high reps doesnt mean low intensity...the 15th rep should be failure...if not, bump the weight up.

Use supersets as well...love those for the skin ripping pumps...specially on cycle.



New member

Welcome bro! most people hit chest Monday so if 35min is all you got and the gym is packed switch it up and do legs bc the racks r always open Monday. 60 minutes is better bc this gives u time to stretch, warm up, then hit it hard to tear those muscles for gains otherwise ur puttin yourself in harms way for injury or imo selling yourself short but heck wat do I kno those dang cross fittees swear by 15-20min max.




I agree completly. I never work chest on International Chest Day (Monday) lol. Nothing geats having the squat and power racks all to yourself. 



New member

Wow, some great comments. Much appreciated. Right now my diet is not what I'd like it to be but not too far off. Could be a lot worse. As for my goals I'm trying to get a combo of bulk and definition. I don't want to lose weight except for the small gut I have. I'd like to start seeing definition. My muscles aren't small but they aren't huge and they aren't super defined. I haven't joined the 300 club quite yet on the bench cause I always work out alone and don't feel comfortable without a consistent spotter. Today I may try to do four sets of ten at 150 just to see where I'm at. Most I did three sets of twenty at 135 and was feeling it good. But I guess my motivation is to see some definition while getting a whole lot stronger



New member

One word of advise.  Forget about the 300 club.  Forget about how much weight you can push or pull.  Unless you are competing in strength events, focusing on the "max out" will only cause injury.  Difficult to build muscle and cut at same time...usually best to pick one and train/diet/supplement accordingly for that goal.  Some good people here with lots of 1st hand knowledge...much more than me.  Follow it, and see the progress.




I agree 100 % This is a lifestyle, if you don't have a couple hours a day for the gym whats the point of cycling? Go big or go home... there is no half way .. its balls to the walls if you want a physique like Kelbasa Posse or some of these other yolked dudes on here!




Well-known member

Like sense said don't worry about the 300club...

With the limited time you have to workout, you need to get that diet in check if you want to hit that goal watch that carb intact understand when you need them for energy aka before you go work out.. Don't have any carbs before you sleep..(after 3pm unless u workout in the evening take enough to give you energy and will burn off) protein drink with no carbs before you go too sleep

To meet your goals you need to add muscle contusion meaning don't do the same thing in a row.. if you do chest, tris, bis one day don't so the same exercise in a row, change it up bounce around work on having smaller rest times in between.. have sepration weeks one week light(weight that can always be 10-12 times per set 5) but good rebs to failure add weight it's just about 40-25% less than what you normally add when you when your doing sets 3-7... you want thay 10-12..

Heavy week you no what to do bring the shit....
